About • Technologies • Features • Requirements • Author
Using the React library, the NextJs framework and gamification concepts to produce a web application that follows good development practices, this application is a question and answer game, to exercise and fix knowledge, rewarding the user as he answers the questions with experience. for level advancement and highlights to display on your main page, thus providing an environment that conforms to gamification conventions, creating an immersive atmosphere for greater engagement in studies.
- ✔ Information persistence
- ✔ Login with social network
- ✔ Level advancement by answering questions
- ✔ Title reward as you level up
Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine:
Git , Node.js. Also, it’s good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode
# Clone this repository
$ git clone <https://github.com/williamdlm/TCC>
# Access the project folder in the / cmd terminal
$ cd TCC
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Run the application in development mode
$ yarn start