This is a service-based project, which helps us conduct the headcount in any kind of get together, club, chapter, group, association, body, crowd, company or participation. This has a wide range of application and can be actively used actively in the club and chapter meeting in our college itself. We can always see people passing a paper or phone around to manually type name and registration number during every single meeting and association. This is tiresome and dull, here knows our “Party Participation Tracker” which will make this a smooth and fun experience. Right now the project is limited to a VinnovateIT lab in VIT-Vellore for testing the hypothesis of the need of the product and market alignment of the idea. In the later versions, one can expect the app to be generalised for all sorts of getting together.
Username : viitattproject
Password : viitforever
Its quite simple, just follow the following steps.
Start with cloning the repository in the desired directory :
git clone <http url>
Download and install node.js from here.
Cd into the directory where you have cloned the repo and install all the dependencies.
NPM install all dependencies :
npm install body-parser
npm install ejs
npm install mongoose
npm install express
npm install font-awesome
npm install nodemon
All you need is a knack for learning. As the saying goes.
Your life will flash in front of your eyes one day,make sure its worth watching. A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
You need to know how to connect and manage mongodb atlas online so that you can add in the names of the members of your club/group.
Optionally I recommend you to download Sublime text 3.Its a amazing free editor from here.
Cd into the directory where you have cloned the repo and type in
node backend.js
Open your browser and type in the url
Enjoy the service of Anytime Attendence.
Build with love and some node.js.
Help us make the site better in any way possible.
So connect with me and share your experience.