A C++ code for calculation of NLO (S)QCD corrections in (not only) the Minimal R-symmetric Supersymmetric Standard Model (MRSSM).
This code was developed as part of the ongoing research into an R-symmetric SUSY. If you use it, please cite:
- P. Dießner, W. Kotlarski, S. Liebschner and D. Stöckinger, Squark production in R-symmetric SUSY with Dirac gluinos: NLO corrections, J. High Energ. Phys. (2017) 2017: 142 (inspirehep)
- C. Borschensky, F. Frisenna, W. Kotlarski, A. Kulesza and D. Stöckinger, Squark production with R-symmetry beyond NLO at the LHC, (inspirehep)
Some of those dependencies are usually avaliable in the repository of your linux distribution. On Ubuntu, they can be installed as
sudo apt install -y nlohmann-json3-dev libspdlog-dev libboost-program-options-dev libtbb-dev
LoopTools has to be compiled in position independent mode
FFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC" ./configure
To compile RSymSQCD you need a C++17 compiler (icpc, g++ >= 7.1 or clang >= 5.0).
Location of LoopTools
, Cuba
, rk
can be passed to cmake via LT_PREFIX
cmake --build build
There is one project specific CMake variable: OPTIMIZE_FOR_NATIVE
which enables (default is OFF
) CPU specific optimizations (-march=native
on GCC or Clang and -xHost
on Intel).
Use it if you plan to run the code on the same (or reasonably similar) machine as the one you are compiling it on.
- SM + colour octet scalar
Wojciech Kotlarski and Sebastian Liebschner
This code is distributed under the terms of GPL3 licence.
The code includes the