Flexible Tab Bar is a custom approach to the tab bar that allows you to create different views for different orientations/devices or states. iOS default UITabBar
is limited and it is really hard to customize it for different device states.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. To install with cocoaPods, follow the "Get Started" section on CocoaPods.
pod 'WKAwesomeMenu'
In the source files where you need to use the library, import the header file:
import WKAwesomeMenu
let options = WKAwesomeMenuOptions.defaultOptions()
WKAwesomeMenu(rootViewController: rootVC, menuViewController: menuVC, options: options)
var backgroundImage: UIImage?
var cornerRadius: CGFloat
var shadowColor: UIColor
var shadowOffset: CGPoint
var shadowScale: CGFloat
var rootScale: CGFloat
var menuWidth: CGFloat
var menuParallax: CGFloat
var menuGripWidth: CGFloat