- You will need either a personal API key or an operator API key.
- Supply this client id and secret as environment variables
- Supply this client id and secret as environment variables
- You will need a msisdn to target on the platform (and for which you are authorized to manage)
Run via an IDE like IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code to launch the example *Main.kt
files, or via command line.
In any case you must supply the needed parameters as program arguments.
Before running the other commands it's helpful to set the needed credentials so you don't need to include them in each command.
Before running the examples you need to build the project.
$ ./mvnw package
$ java -jar target/wgtwo.jar voicemail list --e164 <e164> # lists all the voicemails.
$ java -jar target/wgtwo.jar voicemail play <voicemail_id> # play a voicemail by id given in the above command.
$ java -jar target/wgtwo.jar sendsms --from=4799900111 4799900111 This is a test SMS # sends sms to and from 4799900111
$ java -jar target/wgtwo.jar receivesms 4799900111 # shows sms activity for 4799900111