Breaking change in version 3.6! Server implementation has changed. Old server is no longer available. Please upgrade!
Server online: - port can be left blank
You can build it on your platform with maven. I'm using Visual Studio Code with maven an openjdk package to build the release versions.
Details can be found here
- New server implemented. Http based and finally secured connection. Because of that the old communication method is no longer supported.
- New GTX client. If you want to build something similar yourself, feel free to use server_open.yaml as reference
New build pipeline with maven and VSC (optional)
Code cleanup
Dropped standalone mac app support
Standalone gtx converter available
Published build versions for Windows/Linux/Mac - x86
Guitartab command is now dynamic \textwidth (thanks for contribution @e-dschungel)
gtxtabs command changed. If you like the old version instead, please add following line to your song/book:
- Code cleanup: Java 1.8 is required
- App for Mac: Embedded Java runtime. Works standalone
- Defaultwerte angepasst
- std:Ausgaben auf die interne Konsole umleiten
- Harp-Notes hinzugefuegt
- Parser: An die Harp-Notes angepasst
- Shortcuts fuer Noten
- Templates ueber menue zu erreichen
- GuitarTeX2: Option "-f" removed
- GuitarTeX2Converter: UTF8 Support eingebaut
- Direktivloser Text wird nicht geparsed
- Link auf die Webseite mit den Shortcuts
- Configuration: Systeme werden mid regex erkannt
- Konsole eingebaut
- Template fuer neue Dokumente
- Sprachbutton hinzugefuegt
- FAQ Link im Menue hinzugefuegt
- UTF8 Support
- Parser: Windows \r wird korrekt geloescht
- Serverseitig: Windows-Dateien werden generell in Unix Format konvertiert
- graphicx Packet entfernt
- Schriftarten auf lmodern umgeschaltet
- Neue Direktive {nopagenum}