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Feature Documentation Template

Nisrin edited this page Sep 30, 2021 · 1 revision
# [Add an appropriate title]

Add an introduction for the feature. It can be a brief paragraph or two that summarizes the purpose and function of the feature. Start with a one to two-sentence summary of what the feature does and what problem it solves. The introduction should answer the questions: "What does this feature do?" and "Why would I use it?" If the feature has a range of functionality, you can briefly mention those here and go into detail later in the subsequent sections.

## [Add an appropriate section title if necessary]

If the feature has multiple parts, then you should add a level-2 heading as shown above.
If this is a simple feature with just one part, you can skip the heading.
Within each part, start with an introductory sentence and then use a numbered list for how-to steps.

## [Add an appropriate ending to the page]

Add a summary or follow up reference so that users understand what to do next when they come to the end of a page.