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feat: add components & new icons #554

feat: add components & new icons

feat: add components & new icons #554

# This workflow will raise a PR to the main branch when an update is done to the figma tokens.
name: 👮‍♀️ Figma Tokens Updater
on: pull_request
PRIMITIVES_SOURCE: ./packages/primitives
if: ${{ github.head_ref == 'figma-tokens' }}
name: Process Figma Tokens
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 5
- name: ⬇️ Checkout
id: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@master
repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
- name: 🥡 Setup pnpm
id: setup-pnpm
uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2.1.0
version: latest
run_install: false
- name: 🎈 Get pnpm store directory
id: get-pnpm-cache-dir
run: |
echo "::set-output name=pnpm_cache_dir::$(pnpm store path)"
- name: 🔆 Cache pnpm modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
id: pnpm-cache
path: ${{ steps.get-pnpm-cache-dir.outputs.pnpm_cache_dir }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-pnpm-store-${{ hashFiles('**/pnpm-lock.yaml') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-pnpm-store-
- name: 🧩 Install Dependencies
id: install-dependencies
run: pnpm install
- name: 👷 Build
id: build
run: pnpm build
- name: 🤖 Run Token Transformer
id: run-token-transformer
working-directory: ${{ env.PRIMITIVES_SOURCE }}
run: pnpm transform
- name: 🦎 Run Style Dictionary
id: run-style-dictionary
working-directory: ${{ env.PRIMITIVES_SOURCE }}
run: pnpm build
- name: 🐤 Commit changes
id: commit
uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9
default_author: github_actions
message: 'chore(primitives): generate transformed tokens'
add: '.'