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WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta2 Released

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@lakmali lakmali released this 29 May 21:03
· 10123 commits to master since this release

WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta2 Released!

WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the Beta2 release of WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0.
This release includes following features,improvements and bug fixes.


  • [APIMANAGER-1271] - Com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
  • [APIMANAGER-1821] - Add complete logs to authentication API request. This should contain token validation time as well
  • [APIMANAGER-1940] - Even if the API fails to get published the state is mentioned as 'Published'
  • [APIMANAGER-1977] - UTF-8 application names not working correctly in API Manager
  • [APIMANAGER-1993] - API Store CSS does not render in IE 8
  • [APIMANAGER-2049] - Task not updated/removed when user is deleted
  • [APIMANAGER-2052] - API gray-scaling for unapproved subscriptions does not work on firefox
  • [APIMANAGER-2055] - Http client calls should not thrown an exception when they got responses with 500, 503 response code
  • [APIMANAGER-2130] - NotSerializableException error throws , when try to login to replication enabled cluster
  • [APIMANAGER-2269] - API detail page (api-info)'s "API Console" tab sometimes shows empty, fills on reload: Swagger's jQuery library conflict?
  • [APIMANAGER-2392] - Issue with NTLM grant type [When checked with 2 windows machines connect to same AD and windows domain]
  • [APIMANAGER-2689] - Forum reply table spans out of the page border [Browser issue].
  • [APIMANAGER-2695] - APIs(once published) in any status can be published to external stores
  • [APIMANAGER-2724] - Error when requesting userinfo for password based token
  • [APIMANAGER-2743] - Application throttling tier changes are not immediately applied when gateway cache is enabled
  • [APIMANAGER-2750] - Multiple subscription entries for an API for the same user and application observed intermittently
  • [APIMANAGER-2889] - the module that creates API scopes need to show mandatory fields and validate for data when creating
  • [APIMANAGER-2895] - publisher module does not validate if the user role given within the scope is existent within the user store
  • [APIMANAGER-3155] - Issues with API grouping based on tags
  • [APIMANAGER-3173] - [Publisher] WADL link validation always shows invalid
  • [APIMANAGER-3188] - Issue in editing the Response Content Type under Resources in Publisher
  • [APIMANAGER-3222] - Issue in the Sign-up password field in the Store
  • [APIMANAGER-3236] - Access token generated through API-Store UI, different from the one retrieved through token API for super tenant admin
  • [APIMANAGER-3240] - mc.setJsonPayload in inline JS implementation wraps the response in "jsonObject"
  • [APIMANAGER-3241] - mc.setJsonPayload in inline JS implementation returns boolean values as strings
  • [APIMANAGER-3256] - Duplicated Life-Cycle History information when LC state is updated in publisher
  • [APIMANAGER-3260] - Import Swagger Definition fails with exception in logs
  • [APIMANAGER-3284] - API Manager sets default tiers randomly when "unlimited" is not available
  • [APIMANAGER-3362] - [IS500 with APIM180 KM & SSO] SSO login to APIM180 Publisher/Store gives NPE in IS500 fresh pack with APIM180 KM feature
  • [APIMANAGER-3382] - UI Break in Publisher app
  • [APIMANAGER-3407] - API version is showed twice in API edit mode of Implement and Manage pages
  • [APIMANAGER-3408] - API console sends an incorrect request to the backend
  • [APIMANAGER-3419] - SSO not working for Publisher when reverse proxy enabled
  • [APIMANAGER-3438] - Swagger Definition haven't included correct tiers which are added to a API
  • [APIMANAGER-3457] - Destination Based usage tracking is not working for auth-none APIs
  • [APIMANAGER-3458] - BAM Profile is wrongly configured if we have more than one BAM receiver URLs in api-manager.xml
  • [APIMANAGER-3489] - API store applications doesn't save the changes make by editing.
  • [APIMANAGER-3493] - SecurityContextTTL is not used in JWT expiration. but used to calculate JWT expiration time
  • [APIMANAGER-3494] - Please validate roles specified by user when adding a Oauth Scope
  • [APIMANAGER-3505] - Endpoint Test button shows always as invalid
  • [APIMANAGER-3511] - Point the documentations to the latest 1.9.0 documentation. Currently its being pointed to 1.7.0 and 1.8.0
  • [APIMANAGER-3515] - Abnormal behaviour when using the password of api end point url with some characters " ' < % & + in 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
  • [APIMANAGER-3517] - Forum rating is not visible in the star rating
  • [APIMANAGER-3523] - It should provide a tool tip that it allows {version} or it should suport {Version} as well
  • [APIMANAGER-3525] - OpenID scope should pass through scope validator
  • [APIMANAGER-3528] - Cannot view Configure Analytics page on second time. (API-M dashboard) (oracle)
  • [APIMANAGER-3530] - Error when update the resource throttling of a API which was created using curl command in APIM 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
  • [APIMANAGER-3541] - [Samples: NTLMGrantClient ]: The sample does not work; throws an exception when built
  • [APIMANAGER-3550] - REJECTD/ON_HOLD Subscriptions listed under subscription page in API Publisher.
  • [APIMANAGER-3556] - Warning Message is not displayed if visibility is changed from "Public" to "Visible to my domain"
  • [APIMANAGER-3557] - It takes time to load the error code icon in API Console in Store
  • [APIMANAGER-3560] - When updating Public Forum,Support Forum document it allows to click inline option on the first time
  • [APIMANAGER-3564] - Cache Mediator is not work for the CDATA elements in a soap envelope
  • [APIMANAGER-3565] - Store Statistics on API Usage from Resource Path API name and app name only showing in first row.
  • [APIMANAGER-3567] - Error while changing the theme on API store
  • [APIMANAGER-3568] - Transport http option is not being selected in an API when you try to edit it
  • [APIMANAGER-3569] - When you press enter on Authorization : Bearer text box in store it goes to a broken page
  • [APIMANAGER-3571] - For tenants, 'Parameters' added for 'API Resource Methods' are lost in edit mode
  • [APIMANAGER-3573] - Cannot Publish APIs to External Stores When http transport is disabled.
  • [APIMANAGER-3575] - Incorrect page redirecting once session invalidated - Publisher
  • [APIMANAGER-3576] - ApiUsageFromUserAgents not working (publishing API Runtime Statistics)
  • [APIMANAGER-3578] - Wrong error code is returned when the access token is inactive and expired
  • [APIMANAGER-3583] - A validation should be fired when a user tries to add the same resource to an api with a / at the end and without / in the first step
  • [APIMANAGER-3584] - If OPTIONS method is used in an API with the resource path similar to what's given in POST/PUT methods, the API invocation for those methods fails with Swagger
  • [APIMANAGER-3586] - Inconsistency in Access-Control-Allow-Methods returned with the response with and without the OPTIONS method
  • [APIMANAGER-3587] - Can create multiple API with same context and same version but only allow to publish one at a time in 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
  • [APIMANAGER-3593] - 'path' parameter type should be there in the drop down as an option when you define API methods
  • [APIMANAGER-3594] - Selected scopes are being unselected in store eventhough you regenerate keys
  • [APIMANAGER-3595] - When a user regenerates the key for a subscribed app and then select the scope and try to regenerate keys, it will not save the scope and still it will generate the keys for the default scope
  • [APIMANAGER-3596] - When you delete a scope and publish the api, in store it will repeat the other scope name if the app is subscribed to multiple scopes
  • [APIMANAGER-3598] - In store > my subscription page generated keys cannot copy using copy icon.
  • [APIMANAGER-3599] - Error thrown when searching for a forum topic
  • [APIMANAGER-3601] - Gateway does not return PUT as an allowed method when a OPTIONS call is done to an API (even when OPTIONS method is not selected for the API)
  • [APIMANAGER-3602] - "org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions" occurs when and logged in subscriber click on an API in the api store.
  • [APIMANAGER-3606] - Cannot invoke APIs from the "Default API URL" when APIs are created with a pluggable version context
  • [APIMANAGER-3607] - API Deprecation does not work - Context does not set
  • [APIMANAGER-3608] - Issues in Privacy page in Store
  • [APIMANAGER-3609] - Scopes validation should be done for the all APIs not for a particular API
  • [APIMANAGER-3610] - API Console fails for PROTOTYPED APIs with CORS issues
  • [APIMANAGER-3611] - Tenant getting unuseful when the server in idle after BAM configure
  • [APIMANAGER-3612] - Headers went missing in the API Store that load when clicking on 'Go to API Store' button which you get while publishing APIs
  • [APIMANAGER-3615] - API Manager - Design API page takes more then 10 sec to switch between entry fields
  • [APIMANAGER-3616] - API resources cannot edit once API is created/published - tenant mood only
  • [APIMANAGER-3619] - In API store when user keep validity time empty and click on regenerate validity time field gets disappeared
  • [APIMANAGER-3620] - When user creates a application token given validity period -1, validity time in the database doesn't get updated with the correct value.
  • [APIMANAGER-3621] - In application store application token generation doesn't work properly when user keep clicking on re-generation button
  • [APIMANAGER-3622] - (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0) server startup error after creating tenants
  • [APIMANAGER-3623] - WSDL File not saved in the registry
  • [APIMANAGER-3624] - Some options don't show when trying to publish a prototyped API
  • [APIMANAGER-3627] - New Swagger console shows errors
  • [APIMANAGER-3630] - (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0) Context version isn't copying
  • [APIMANAGER-3631] - Changes done to API with related to scopes are being affected after sometimes
  • [APIMANAGER-3633] - Error message not descriptive when doing re subscription of a blocked API subscription
  • [APIMANAGER-3635] - Parameter Type is not being saved in tenant mode when you edit the API. It takes the value being set at first place
  • [APIMANAGER-3636] - When Blocked API invoke using swagger response from server is not returning
  • [APIMANAGER-3637] - Token generation for scopes in tenant mode is broken through UI
  • [APIMANAGER-3639] - Access failure due to Token expiry before elapsing validity time
  • [APIMANAGER-3641] - Secured APIs can't be made back as Unsecured.
  • [APIMANAGER-3642] - Broken page if you access manage API page after session expiration
  • [APIMANAGER-3644] - [Intermittent] User directs to a Error 500 : The page cannot be displayed page during subscription
  • [APIMANAGER-3646] - API method (GET) can be invoked via application user token eventhough I have defined to invoke it only via application token.
  • [APIMANAGER-3649] - Error When username contains more than 30 characters in Self Sign up of API Store
  • [APIMANAGER-3651] - Sharing capabilities for Applications feature - when user specifies organization name with a space it is considered as another organisation.
  • [APIMANAGER-3653] - Sharing capabilities for Applications (subscriptions) feature doesn't work for tenant users
  • [APIMANAGER-3655] - API Console is not working when API is with URL templates added from Publisher APIS
  • [APIMANAGER-3657] - Visibility changed warning popup appearing each time Private/restried API is loaded
  • [APIMANAGER-3658] - Sample API Visibility need to be changed as "public"
  • [APIMANAGER-3661] - User cannot press implement stage after given a large size of image for icon
  • [APIMANAGER-3662] - Store missing headers when you click the Go To API store link in publisher when you configure an external API store
  • [APIMANAGER-3664] - Cannot download WSDL files from store and publisher that are uploaded in publisher if the API is created with visibility set to my domain or restricted by role
  • [APIMANAGER-3665] - In windows environment APIM-1.9.0 latest build pack - 26-05-2015 is unable to start
  • [APIMANAGER-3666] - User cannot generate keys at any time if tries to generate keys for the first time by a different user
  • [APIMANAGER-3677] - (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 oracle) Start-up error while migrate
  • [APIMANAGER-3683] - When you try to delete with a payload, APIM drops the payload
  • [APIMANAGER-3687] - Destination based usage tracking is not working


  • [APIMANAGER-1335] - Create Script to Test Visibility in Public, Private Restricted APIs
  • [APIMANAGER-1765] - [Store-APIs] Tier availability for an API is not returned in the set of apis returned when called the store/site/blocks/api/listing/ajax/list.jag
  • [APIMANAGER-2270] - Upgrade wso2's jQuery version to 1.9.0 or greater
  • [APIMANAGER-2854] - Remove message logging from APIManagerExtensionHandler
  • [APIMANAGER-3069] - There is no option displayed to delete added Swagger API definition parameters
  • [APIMANAGER-3143] - Need to remove author info from API Cloud
  • [APIMANAGER-3235] - OPTIONS method is shown in the API Console
  • [APIMANAGER-3255] - Introduce a Publisher API to import swagger definition using a file or a URL
  • [APIMANAGER-3336] - Improve the SAML2BearerGrantHandler with role based scope validation by extracting roles from SAML2 Assertion
  • [APIMANAGER-3393] - New API - Get list of tiers available for API
  • [APIMANAGER-3394] - New API - List of all available tiers in API-M deployment
  • [APIMANAGER-3424] - No Tier Availability warning if change to Available to specific tenants Subscriptions
  • [APIMANAGER-3524] - Expose API for deleting a subscription by the applicationName
  • [APIMANAGER-3582] - Need an option to delete Parameters that we add for 'Resource Methods'
  • [APIMANAGER-3604] - When scopes are not defined, pls include a proper message
  • [APIMANAGER-3605] - Provide ability to skip certain scopes being validated
  • [APIMANAGER-3626] - Grammar issue in the UI
