This repository is forked from laboshinl, which is a refactoring version of the JiZhang's public code
roslaunch loam_velodyne loam_velodyne.launch
In second terminal play sample velodyne data
rosbag play ~/Downloads/velodyne.bag
Or read from velodyne VLP16 sample pcap
roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16_points.launch pcap:="$HOME/Downloads/velodyne.pcap"
When the slam mission is done or the bag is played over, you can use following order to save the global map and trajectory(aft_mapped_to_init)
rosbag play senMapOrder.bag --clock
Specific Code is in the LaserMapping::mapOrderHandeler
- In rviz, the frame "camera_init" z axis points forward, which is incompatible with regularity, so should choose the base_link to display, but the camera_init can't transform to the base_link
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_link_to_camera" args="0 0 0 -1.570795 -1.570795 0 /camera /base_link 10" />
The code above can work when I roslaunch another project which has base_link, confusing
2.In LaserOdometry.cpp, I can't find the assignment of the variable of _ioRatio, so how this code below works?
if (_ioRatio < 2 || frameCount() % _ioRatio == 1)