This is the SSDB client and command-line tool.
Fork from gossdb, but because it does not conform to the style of Golang and is not actively developed, the SSDB is rewrited.
package main
import (
func main() {
db, err := ssdb.Connect(
// or ssdb.URL("ssdb://"),
if err != nil {
err = db.Set("a", ssdb.Value("xxx"))
if err != nil {
val, err := db.Get("a")
if err != nil {
err = db.Del("a")
if err != nil {
val, err = db.Get("a")
if err != nil {
err = db.ZSet("z", "a", 3)
if err != nil {
err = db.MultiZSet("z", map[string]int64{
"b": -1,
"c": 5,
"d": 3,
if err != nil {
resp, err := db.ZRange("z", 0, 10)
if err != nil {
for k, v := range resp {
fmt.Printf(" %v : %v\n", k, v)
Command-line tool
go get -u -v
ssdb -p password
SSDB (cli) - ssdb command line tool.
Copyright (c) 2018 wzshiming
'help' for help, 'quit' to quit.
ssdb-server 1.9.4
SSDB > set a xxx
1 result(s) (3ms)
SSDB > get a
1 result(s) (3ms)
SSDB > del a
1 result(s) (5ms)
SSDB > get a
not found
SSDB > zset z a 3
1 result(s) (3ms)
SSDB > multi_zset z b -1 c 5 d 3
1 result(s) (5ms)
SSDB > zrange z 0 10
key value
--- -----
b -1
a 3
d 3
c 5
4 result(s) (28ms)
Official Documents
API Documents
- Server
- auth password - Authenticate the connection.
- dbsize - Return the approximate size of the database.
- flushdb [type] - Delete all data in ssdb server.
- info [opt] - Return the information of server.
- slaveof id host port [auth last_seq last_key] - Start a replication slave.
- IP Filter
- Key Value
- set key value - Set the value of the key.
- setx key value ttl - Set the value of the key, with a time to live.
- setnx key value - Set the string value in argument as value of the key only if the key doesn"t exist.
- expire key ttl - Set the time left to live in seconds, only for keys of KV type.
- ttl key - Returns the time left to live in seconds, only for keys of KV type.
- get key - Get the value related to the specified key
- getset key value - Sets a value and returns the previous entry at that key.
- del key - Delete specified key.
- incr key [num] - Increment the number stored at key by num.
- exists key - Verify if the specified key exists.
- getbit key offset - Return a single bit out of a string.
- setbit key offset val - Changes a single bit of a string. The string is auto expanded.
- bitcount key [start] [end] - Count the number of set bits (population counting) in part of a string.
- countbit key start size - Count the number of set bits (population counting) in part of a string.
- substr key start size - Return part of a string.
- strlen key - Return the number of bytes of a string.
- keys key_start key_end limit - List keys in range (key_start, key_end].
- rkeys key_start key_end limit - List keys in range (key_start, key_end], in reverse order.
- scan key_start key_end limit - List key-value pairs with keys in range (key_start, key_end].
- rscan key_start key_end limit - List key-value pairs with keys in range (key_start, key_end], in reverse order.
- multi_set key1 value1 key2 value2 ... - Set multiple key-value pairs(kvs) in one method call.
- multi_get key1 key2 ... - Get the values related to the specified multiple keys
- multi_del key1 key2 ... - Delete specified multiple keys.
- Hashmap
- hset name key value - Set the string value in argument as value of the key of a hashmap.
- hget name key - Get the value related to the specified key of a hashmap
- hdel name key - Delete specified key in a hashmap.
- hincr name key [num] - Increment the number stored at key in a hashmap by num
- hexists name key - Verify if the specified key exists in a hashmap.
- hsize name - Return the number of key-value pairs in the hashmap.
- hlist name_start name_end limit - List hashmap names in range (name_start, name_end].
- hrlist name_start name_end limit - List hashmap names in range (name_start, name_end].
- hkeys name key_start key_end - List keys of a hashmap in range (key_start, key_end].
- hgetall name - Returns the whole hash, as an array of strings indexed by strings.
- hscan name key_start key_end limit - List key-value pairs of a hashmap with keys in range (key_start, key_end].
- hrscan name key_start key_end limit - List key-value pairs with keys in range (key_start, key_end], in reverse order.
- hclear name - Delete all keys in a hashmap.
- multi_hset name key1 value1 key2 value2 ... - Set multiple key-value pairs(kvs) of a hashmap in one method call.
- multi_hget name key1 key2 ... - Get the values related to the specified multiple keys of a hashmap.
- multi_hdel name key1 key2 ... - Delete specified multiple keys in a hashmap.
- Sorted Set
- zset name key score - Set the score of the key of a zset.
- zget name key - Get the score related to the specified key of a zset
- zdel name key - Delete specified key of a zset.
- zincr name key num - Increment the number stored at key in a zset by num.
- zexists name key - Verify if the specified key exists in a zset.
- zsize name - Return the number of pairs of a zset.
- zlist name_start name_end limit - List zset names in range (name_start, name_end].
- zrlist name_start name_end limit - List zset names in range (name_start, name_end], in reverse order.
- zkeys name key_start score_start score_end limit - List keys in a zset.
- zscan name key_start score_start score_end limit - List key-score pairs where key-score in range (key_start+score_start, score_end].
- zrscan name key_start score_start score_end limit - List key-score pairs of a zset, in reverse order. See method zkeys().
- zrank name key - Returns the rank(index) of a given key in the specified sorted set.
- zrrank name key - Returns the rank(index) of a given key in the specified sorted set, in reverse order.
- zrange name offset limit - Returns a range of key-score pairs by index range [offset, offset + limit).
- zrrange name offset limit - Returns a range of key-score pairs by index range [offset, offset + limit), in reverse order.
- zclear name - Delete all keys in a zset.
- zcount name score_start score_end - Returns the number of elements of the sorted set stored at the specified key which have scores in the range [score_start,score_end].
- zsum name score_start score_end - Returns the sum of elements of the sorted set stored at the specified key which have scores in the range [score_start,score_end].
- zavg name score_start score_end - Returns the average of elements of the sorted set stored at the specified key which have scores in the range [score_start,score_end].
- zremrangebyrank name start end - Delete the elements of the zset which have rank in the range [start,end].
- zremrangebyscore name start end - Delete the elements of the zset which have score in the range [start,end].
- zpop_front name limit - Delete limit elements from front of the zset.
- zpop_back name limit - Delete limit elements from back of the zset.
- multi_zset name key1 score1 key2 score2 ... - Set multiple key-score pairs(kvs) of a zset in one method call.
- multi_zget name key1 key2 ... - Get the values related to the specified multiple keys of a zset.
- multi_zdel name key1 key2 ... - Delete specified multiple keys of a zset.
- List
- qpush_front name item1 item2 ... - Adds one or more than one element to the head of the queue.
- qpush_back name item1 item2 ... - Adds an or more than one element to the end of the queue.
- qpop_front name size - Pop out one or more elements from the head of a queue.
- qpop_back name size - Pop out one or more elements from the tail of a queue.
- qpush name item1 item2 ... - Alias of
. - qpop name size - Alias of
. - qfront name - Returns the first element of a queue.
- qback name - Returns the last element of a queue.
- qsize name - Returns the number of items in the queue.
- qclear name - Clear the queue.
- qget name index - Returns the element a the specified index(position).
- qset name index val - Description
- qrange name offset limit - Returns a portion of elements from the queue at the specified range [offset, offset + limit].
- qslice name begin end - Returns a portion of elements from the queue at the specified range [begin, end].
- qtrim_front name size - Remove multi elements from the head of a queue.
- qtrim_back name size - Remove multi elements from the tail of a queue.
- qlist name_start name_end limit - List list/queue names in range (name_start, name_end].
- qrlist name_start name_end limit - List list/queue names in range (name_start, name_end], in reverse order.
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.