Aim of this project is to implement HTTP server which will be support basic requests such as GET and POST. Client send to server GET or POST requests in specific format
Main body of program is represented as finite while loop. Inside this loop processing of all request is held. In case of unsupported operation server will send to user reply "405 Bad Type of request
get_req for processing GET request
post_req for processing POST request
In each function parsing is held based on specified format of current request.
For GET request parser try to extract URL or IP address from header. Also during extraction it checks lexical elements of request. For example GET request must contain of in header such sting
GET /resolve?name=<ADDR>&type=<TYPE> HTTP/1.1
where <ADDR> is URL or IP address and <TYPE> is type of expected response in following format: [req]: get
where <ANSWER> is corresponding answer (host name or IP address) to given <ADDR> and <TYPE>. In success corresponding response is send with code "200 Ok". In case if request is in wrong format, response would be "400 Bad Request".
For POST request there is must be specified file, where would be on each line written address and type of expecting answer in following format:
Also there is strict formatting of first line of request
POST /dns-query HTTP/1.1
If this format, then response would be 400 Bad request
Empty line is skipped. If one of lines is in the wrong format, then response for this line would not be generated, but all other valid requests would be in response.
In success response contain code "200 Ok" and answers in format like in GET request, but there are on each line answer on each correct request from given file. In error, server send response with code "400 Bad Request". In case if in input requests there are duplicate lines, than answer would contain only uniq responses.
For replying there are variables with template of headers
for return code 200 OK
for wrong request format 400 Bad request
for situation if answer on given address is not found 404 Not Found
for wrong request type 405 Method Not Allowed
Request by itself is parsed using regular expressions