Collection Of Open Source PS4 Tools all in one Library
Supports Unity
PS4 PS2 Classics Manager (Unreleased) Github Source
PS4 PS2 Classics GUI Github Source
PS4 PKG Installer (PKG Store) Github Source
PS4 PKG Installer Andorid Github Source
PS4 PKG Tool- By pearlxcore Github Source
PS4 Explorer - By Lapy Github Source | Twitter
PS4 Tools Homebrew (1.3) Github Source | Github Release
PS4 Save Manager Github Source
PS4 Trophy Unlocker Github Source
Created for DefaultDNB
A simple At9 player
Created originally just to show the power of ps4 tools but now has alot more feutures
Created as an example app reads ps4 pkg's Github
Created to manage save files dumped with either Ps4 Tools Homebrew or with Save Data Mounter by Chendo Chap
Well It Unlocks Trophies
Created on the request of @pearlxcore
Add the .DLL to your solution. Done Dusted and ready to use
The class strucutre might change in future releases
namespace PS4_Tools
βββ PS4_Tools /*Some Defualt Methods For the Tools*/
β βββ AppCommonPath() /*Returns Working Directory For Tools*/
β βββ DeleteDirectory() /*Recursive Deletes Directory*/
βββ SELF /* Reserved class for SELF/ELF Handeling*/
βββ Media /* PS4 Media Class*/
β βββ Atrac9 /*Atrac9 Class*/
β βββ βββ LoadAt9 /*Loads Atrac9 Method still in the works*/
βββ Image /* PS4 Image Class*/
| βββ PNG /*PNG Class*/
β βββ βββ Create_PS4_Compatible_PNG /*Creates a Complatible PS4 PNG*/
β βββ DDS /*DDS Class*/
β βββ βββ SavePNGFromDDS /*Saves a PNG from a DDS File*/
β βββ βββ GetStreamFromDDS /*Gets a Stream from a DDS*/
β βββ βββ GetBitmapFromDDS /*Gets a Bitmap from a DDS*/
β βββ GIMImages /*GIM Image Class*/
βββ RCO /* PS4 RCO Class*/
β βββ DumpRco /*Dumps a Rco File*/
βββ SaveData /* PS4 SaveData Reserved Class*/
βββ PKG /* PS4 PKG Handling Class*/
β βββ Official /*Some Methods for Official PKG Items*/
β βββ βββ ReadAllUnprotectedData /*Deprecated*/
β βββ βββ StoreItems /*Store Items Object Class (Placeholder)*/
β βββ βββ CheckForUpdate /*Returns a Update_Structure Type*/
β βββ βββ Get_All_Store_Items /*Returns a List<StoreItems> With Download Links and some other infrmation*/
β βββ SceneRelated /*Some Methods for Scene Related PKG Items*/
| βββ βββ GP4 /*GP4 File Class*/
| βββ βββ βββ ReadGP4 /*Reads a GP4 File Into a Custom Object*/
| βββ βββ βββ SaveGP4 /*Saves a GP4 File From a Custom Object*/
| βββ βββ Create_FKPG /*Creates a FPKG (addon file from store items for a spesific item*/
| βββ βββ IDS /*IDS Reserved Class*/
| βββ βββ PARAM_SFO /*Param.SFO Reserved Class*/
| βββ βββ βββ Get_Param_SFO /*Reads a Param SFO into a Param.sfo structure*/
| βββ βββ NP_Data /*NP_Data Reserved Class*/
| βββ βββ NP_Title /*NP_Title Reserved Class*/
| βββ βββ ReadPKG /*Reads a PKG File (Powered by maxtron)*/
| βββ βββ Read_PKG /*Reads all unprotected data from a pkg (Powered by Leecherman)*/
| βββ βββ Rename_pkg_To_ContentID /*Renames a PKG File to the Content ID of the SFO*/
| βββ βββ Rename_pkg_To_Title /*Renames a PKG File to the Title of the SFO*/
β βββ PS2_Classics /*Class For Building PS2 Classics*/
| βββ βββ Create_Single_ISO_PKG /*Creates a Single ISO File PS2 Classic*/
| βββ βββ Create_Multi_ISO_PKG /*Creates a Multie ISO File PS2 Classic*/
β βββ PSP_HD /*Class For Building PSP HD Items*/
β βββ PUP /*Class For PUP Tools*/
| βββ βββ Unpack_PUP /*Unpacks a PUP Files*/
βββ (More to come)
Please see the testers form to see how some of the classes work if not documented here
PS4_Tools.PKG.SceneRelated.GP4.Psproject project = PS4_Tools.PKG.SceneRelated.GP4.ReadGP4(@"C:\Users\3deEchelon\Documents\Sony\Crash Bandcioot Twinsanity.gp4");
if(project.Fmt != "gp4")
MessageBox.Show("This is not a valid PS4 Project");
//lets validate some pkg item info before saving
if(project.Volume.Package.Passcode.Length != 32)
MessageBox.Show("Passcode Lentgh is not valid");
//to save a gp4
PS4_Tools.PKG.SceneRelated.GP4.SaveGP4(@"C:\Users\3deEchelon\Documents\Sony\tempworking.gp4", project);
var item = PS4_Tools.Image.DDS.GetBitmapFromDDS(@"C:\Users\3deEchelon\Desktop\PS4\psp Decrypt\Sc0\");
pictureBox1.Image = item;
var item =PS4_Tools.PKG.Official.CheckForUpdate(textBox1.Text);
/*TitleID Patch Data Is Avaiavle Here*/
/*Build some string*/
string update = label1.Text;
update += "\n Version : " + item.Tag.Package.Version;
int ver = Convert.ToInt32(item.Tag.Package.System_ver);
update += "\n System Version : " + ver.ToString("X");
update += "\n Remaster : " + item.Tag.Package.Remaster;
update += "\n Manifest File Number of Pieces : " + item.Tag.Package.Manifest_item.pieces.Count;
label1.Text = update;
var storeitems = PS4_Tools.PKG.Official.Get_All_Store_Items(textBox1.Text);
PS4_Tools.PKG.SceneRelated.Unprotected_PKG ps4pkg = PS4_Tools.PKG.SceneRelated.Read_PKG(@"C:\Users\3deEchelon\Desktop\PS4\Euro.FISHING.COLLECTORS.EDITION.PS4-DUPLEX\Euro.Fishing.Collectors.Edition.PS4-DUPLEX\\Euro.Fishing.Collectors.Edition.PS4-DUPLEX.pkg");
/*Lets work with the data shall we*/
/*Display the PSFO in some type of info format*/
var item = ps4pkg.Param;
for (int i = 0; i < item.Tables.Count; i++)
listBox3.Items.Add(item.Tables[i].Name + ":" + item.Tables[i].Value);
/*Display Image*/
pictureBox2.Image = ps4pkg.Image;
var trphy = ps4pkg.Trophy_File;
for (int i = 0; i < trphy.FileCount; i++)
- Maxton - For The Amazing Work He has done for the scene ! (LibOrbisPKG)
- GarnetSunset - Playstation Store DLC Indexer
- stooged - PS4 DLC Indexer (C#)
- cfwprph - His help and Vita Rco extractor tool
- IDC - His PS4 Pup Extractor and other work he has done
- Leecherman - His tools are always a great reference for me and does some great work
- Thealexbarney - His great research done on atrac9 files and decoding them
- RedEye-32 - His help on getting ESFM decrypted (files inside of trophies)
This is an open source version (alternative) of the PS4 Neighborhood that came with the official ps4 sdk
Follow development board on Trello
This is mainly for developer use on any console that has unsigned code enabled and has the corresponding api installed (release to be announced)
With this you can create your own application / games for ps4 homebrew and instead of creating a pkg each time you can simply attach the application / game to your file serving directory and load your current application in real time (that's the idea anyway)
The project is to resemble the official PlayStation 4 Neighborhood without any of the SCE tools
- API Installed
- System must be running a semi dev unit (not normal retail)
To change your console from Normal Retail to a Semi Dev one simply use LightningMods's Updater