This is an attempt at creating an "open source Steam Input". Specifically the Gamepad APIs translating part.
This project aims to hook and re-implement various gamepad APIs such as XInput over SDL.
The goal is to allow XInput-only games to support any gamepad controller supported by SDL (over 200+) out of the box with zero configuration.
- XInputGetState ✔️
- XInputGetStateEx ✔️
- XInputSetState ✔️
- XInputSetStateEx¹ ✔️
- XInputGetBatteryInformation ✔️
- XInputGetCapabilities ✔️
- XInputGetCapabilitiesEx ✔️
- XInputGetKeystroke
⚠️ - XInputWaitForGuideButton
⚠️ - XInputCancelGuideButtonWait
⚠️ - XInputPowerOffController
⚠️ - XInputGetBaseBusInformation
⚠️ - XInputEnable ❌
- XInputGetAudioDeviceIds ❌
- XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids ❌
¹ NB: XInputSetStateEx() from GDK (XInputOnGameInput) is implemented and has been arbitrarily set to ordinal 1000. It does not exist in XInput.
DInput (WIP)
- DirectInput8Create
- IDirectInput8::ConfigureDevices
- IDirectInput8::CreateDevice
- IDirectInputDevice8::Acquire
- IDirectInputDevice8::BuildActionMap
- IDirectInputDevice8::CreateEffect
- IDirectInputDevice8::EnumCreatedEffectObjects
- IDirectInputDevice8::EnumEffects
- IDirectInputDevice8::EnumEffectsInFile
- IDirectInputDevice8::EnumObjects
- IDirectInputDevice8::Escape
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetCapabilities
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetDeviceData
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetDeviceInfo
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetDeviceState
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetEffectInfo
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetForceFeedbackState
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetImageInfo
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetObjectInfo
- IDirectInputDevice8::GetProperty
- IDirectInputDevice8::Initialize
- IDirectInputDevice8::Poll
- IDirectInputDevice8::RunControlPanel
- IDirectInputDevice8::SendDeviceData
- IDirectInputDevice8::SendForceFeedbackCommand
- IDirectInputDevice8::SetActionMap
- IDirectInputDevice8::SetCooperativeLevel
- IDirectInputDevice8::SetDataFormat
- IDirectInputDevice8::SetEventNotification
- IDirectInputDevice8::SetProperty
- IDirectInputDevice8::Unacquire
- IDirectInputDevice8::WriteEffectToFile
- IDirectInput8::EnumDevices
- IDirectInput8::EnumDevicesBySemantics
- IDirectInput8::FindDevice
- IDirectInput8::GetDeviceStatus
- IDirectInput8::Initialize
- IDirectInput8::RunControlPanel
✔: Implemented | ⚠: To-do (Stub) | ❌: Won't implement (Deprecated)
Steam Input API
Steam Input API only games. You need an action set to translate input. Hooking these API is going down the Steam Enulator rabbit hole.
HID / Raw
These APIs aren't really like the standardised Gamepad APIs like XInput. They are much akin to low level access. If a game uses these APIs to add support for a specific Gamepad; The game devs probably have a certain experience in mind and we shouldn't interfere with it.
Many mods and other 3rd party "fix" rely on these low level access to do their job. And they often complain about the new Steam Input capabilities of hooking system wide all relevant APIs for gamepad while Steam is running.
As such, I do no think these API are relevant for my project.
WGI (Windows Gaming Input)
This API is new and specifically designed to allow support for Gamepad others than Xbox controllers in a standardised way. Doesn't seem pertinent to this project for now.
The DLL can be used either as
- A) a drop-in replacement (DLL side-loading) or
- B) by being injected into a target process.
Unless you know what you are doing stick with the first approach.
Replace xinput*.dll
in the game dir if present, otherwise place it next to the game's executable.
This might require a little guess work to find which version of XInput a game is using: xinput1_4.dll, xinput1_3.dll, xinput9_1_0.dll.
The DLL exports every documented XInput functions as well as "hidden" XInput___Ex functions.
NB: If necessary, you can opt-in to also hook / detour XInput functions to force the game to use the ones from the DLL. See env var section below.
Set the env var to enable function hooking / detouring before you execute and inject into your target process. See env var section below. Otherwise once injected it won't do much more than just init. SDL.
Here is a simple example in Node.js using xan105/node-remote-thread:
import { env } from "node:process";
import { spawn } from "node:child_process";
import { dirname } from "node:path";
import { createRemoteThread } from "@xan105/create=-remote-thread";
const ADDON = "G:\\METAPHOR\\InputFusion.dll";
const ARGS = [];
const binary = spawn(EXECUTABLE, ARGS, {
cwd: dirname(EXECUTABLE),
stdio:[ "ignore", "ignore", "ignore" ],
detached: true,
env: {
binary.once("spawn", () => {
createRemoteThread(, ADDON);
Enable XInput functions hooking / detouring. This forces the use of the XInput functions from the DLL when calling XInput functions.
When enabled the LED light of the controller is used to show the battery level of the controller:
- 100% / Green
- 75% / Yellow
- 50% / Orange
- 25% / Red
Currently only available for PS4/PS5 controller in wireless.
Because SDL is not running in the main thread and the game has no knowlegde of it.
event is not enough to properly close SDL, to try to do so when the game exits, one solution is to subclass window procedure to intercept the events WM_CLOSE
This is currently hidden behind an env var flag because a lot of mods and other 3rd party tool also like to subclass window procedure to modify or add functionnality (eg: hiding mouse cursor, disable input on focus lost, ...). This can have unexpected behavior or conflicts if the chain of window procedures is broken.
Not properly closing SDL can result in leaks and the inability to reset LEDs status.
SDL might still be initializing when the game does it's first Gamepad API call (On startup).
Be wary of games supporting both DInput and XInput API they usually suffer from double input, or have strange game design like prefering DInput over Xinput.
Visual Studio 2022
- Microsoft detour library provided through vcpkg
- SDL3 Library recompiled as a static lib.