- maven 3.5
- git
- java >= 1.8
git clone tbd/sling-platform
git clone tbd/sling-digital-asset-management
cd sling-platform
mvn -P sling-parent
mvn -P startServer,sling11
mvn -P deployPackage
cd tbd/sling-digital-asset-management
mvn -P deployPackage
List all profiles when calling mvn without any goals/targets/profiles
Builds the parent pom which is used by the project
Starts a server instance. User clean install to get a vanilla version of the server. You have to add one of the following profile sling9,sling10 or sling11
Will be called by sling-parent
Deploys all plattform stuff to the server instance
Generates an overview of all dependencies and dependencyManagement as HTML table
For all pedants ;-)
Will be called by deployPackage