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Dave Day edited this page Dec 10, 2014 · 2 revisions


Errors are indicated by returning an error as an additional return value from a function. A nil value means that there was no error.

errors can be turned into strings by calling Error, their only method. You can create an error from a string by calling errors.New:

if failure {
	return errors.New("inverse tachyon pulse failed")

Error strings should not start with a capital letter because they'll often be prefixed before printing:

err := TryInverseTachyonPulse()
if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("failed to solve problem: %s\n", err)

If you expect calling code to be able to handle an error, you can distinguish classes of errors either by returning special values, or new types. You only need to distinguish differences that the calling code could be expected to handle in this way as the string allows one to communicate the details of the error.

io.EOF is a special value that signals the end of a stream. You can compare error values directly against io.EOF.

If you want to carry extra data with the error, you can use a new type:

type ParseError struct {
	Line, Col int

func (p ParseError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("parse error on line %d, column %d", p.Line, p.Col)

Calling code would test for a special type of error by using a type switch:

switch err := err.(type) {
case ParseError:


Error types end in "Error" and error variables start with "Err":

package somepkg

// ParseError is type of error returned when there's a parsing problem.
type ParseError struct {
  Line, Col int

var ErrBadAction = errors.New("somepkg: a bad action was performed")

// -----

package foo

func foo() {
    res, err := somepkgAction()
    if err != nil {
        if err == somepkg.ErrBadAction {
        if pe, ok := err.(*somepkg.ParseError); ok {
             line, col := pe.Line, pe.Col
             // ....


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