Releases: xiejx5/watershed_delineation
Releases · xiejx5/watershed_delineation
Watershed 2022-03-30
- use a robust algorithm to calculate cell area (Santini et al., 2010)
- disable buggy spatial indexing
- cell height is wrong for non-square grids
- plot order does not match the order of features
Watershed 2022-03-25
- Update dependencies (e.g. NumPy) and remove unnecessary dependencies
- ORDER fields of large watersheds do not match their order in excel
Watershed 2022-03-18
- Speed up the delineation of large watersheds based on spatial indexing
- Simplify GeoJSON objects in the Map.html to reduce storage size
- The window is not in the screen center
Watershed 2022-02-24
- Simplify code and reduce dependencies to improve stability
- Add hyperlink for recommended citation
- Lost several tributary relocations in specific cases
Watershed 2022-01-21
- Two parameters can be changed in ./source/draining/config.json, including (i) side length of search buffer (default 20km) and (ii) minimum ratio of an adjacent upstream reach to the side length (default 0.4)
- Provides a choice of data types for Flow Accumulation (acc_type), which are 32-bit unsigned integer ("u4", the default value to boost up the calculation, sufficient for 90m flow direction) and 64-bit unsigned integer ("u8", helpful in delineating extra-large watershed with 30m flow direction, such as Amazon River)
- station.xlsx with extra blank rows causes watershed delineation to fail
- several gdal dependencies are missing from ./source
Watershed 2021-08-31
After decompression, double-click watershed.exe to use