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Kimon Kar edited this page Sep 5, 2019 · 9 revisions

.search(input, params)

Search all static game content (not characters, FCs, etc). There are two ways to do this:

String method

Simply use a string as the input to search for. All of the params detailed below apply with this method.

JSON method

By passing an object instead of a string as the input, you can use XIVAPI's Advanced ElasticSearch query method for finer control over your searches. You can find more info on how to construct this object on the Advanced ElasticSearch Queries section of the XIVAPI doc entry, and using the Search Playground. Note that using this method means that only a few of the entries in the param object will have an effect, as outlined below.


Parameter Type Methods Description
lore boolean String & JSON Only search using the lore endpoint.
indexes CSV* String & JSON Search a specific series of indexes.
filters CSV* String Search using a comma-separated list of filters. See more.
columns CSV* String Results will only contain specific data. See more.
string_algo string String Search algorithm to use for string matching.
string_column string String Column to use in string searches.
sort_field string String Field to sort results by.
sort_order string String Order the sort_field by a specific direction, either asc or desc.
limit int String Limit the number of results (1 to 100).

*CSV: accepts either string (e.g. 'Achievement,Title,Action,CraftAction') or array (e.g. ['Achievement', 'Title', 'Action', 'CraftAction'])

See the Params section in the XIVAPI doc page for more on the different parameters, including possible values.

Returns: { Pagination, Results }


Search for an item by name, the simple way:

> let response = await'kote', {snake_case: true})

   { page: 1,
     page_next: null,
     page_prev: null,
     page_total: 1,
     results: 61,
     results_per_page: 100,
     results_total: 61 },
   [ { id: 17895,
       icon: '',
       name: 'Kote Materials',
       url: '',
       url_type: 'Item',
       _: 'item',
       _score: 1 },
     { id: 17896,
       icon: '',
       name: 'Titanium Kote',
       url: '',
       url_type: 'Item',
       _: 'item',
       _score: 1 }