A small Vanilla JS utils alternative to jQuery.
npm i boot-helpers
All methods are below.
- ready()
- loader()
- len()
- get()
- append()
- prepend()
- before()
- after()
- prependTo()
- appendTo()
- wrapInner()
- html()
- text()
- clone()
- addClass()
- removeClass()
- toggleClass()
- css()
- find()
- eq()
- prev()
- next()
- parent()
- parents()
- children()
- filter()
- not()
- siblings()
- first()
- last()
- closest()
- attr()
- data()
- prop()
- removeAttr()
- removeData()
- one()
- on()
- off()
- offset()
- position()
- scrollTop()
- scrollLeft()
- width()
- height()
- outerWidth()
- outerHeight()
- remove()
- empty()
- each()
- allAttrs()
- hasClass()
- val()
- show()
- hide()
- fadeIn()
- fadeOut()
- serializeArray()
- index()
- trigger()
- maxDimension()
- animate()
<script src="boot-helpers.min.js"></script>
const __ = window['__']['default'];
import 'boot-helpers';
const __ = window['__'];
const { __ } = require('boot-helpers');
import 'boot-helpers';
declare global {
interface Window { __: any; }
const __ = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window['__'] : ()=> void 0;
// Page load
__( document ).ready( function() {
//do something
__( 'body' ).loader({
imagesSelector: 'body img',
videosSelector: 'body video',
startEvent: function() {
//do something
console.log( '=> loading.' );
progressEvent: function(percent) {
//do something
console.log( '=> progress: ' + percent + '%' );
endEvent: function() {
console.log( '=> loaded!!!' );
//do something
// Dom demos
__( '.demo' ).remove();
__( '.demo' ).empty();
__( '.demo' ).show();
__( '.demo' ).hide();
__( '.demo' ).get(-1); //returns all elements
__( '.demo' ).get(0); //returns someone element
__( '.demo' ).len(); //returns length of elements
__( '.demo' ).addClass( 'class-3' );
__( '.demo, .demo2' ).addClass( 'class-4' );
__( '.demo' ).find( 'li' ).addClass( 'class-1 class-2' );
__( '.demo' ).find( 'li' ).removeClass( 'class-2' );
__( '.demo' ).find( '> .demo2' ).addClass( 'class-3' );
__( '.demo' ).find( '> .demo2' ).find( 'li' ).addClass( 'class-3-2' );
__( '.demo' ).closest( '.container' ).addClass( 'class-4' );
__( '.demo' ).css({
'background': '#f00',
'font-size': '18px'
__( '#demo' ).css( 'background-color', '#f60' );
__( '.demo' ).data( 'bg', 'red' );
__( '.demo' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
__( '.demo' ).width( 300 );
__( '.menu li:first-child' ).width( "50%" );
if( __( '.demo' ).data( 'activated' ) === null ) {
//do something...
if( __( '.demo' ).attr( 'data-activated' ) === null ) {
//do something...
__( '.menu li' ).eq(1).append( '<span style="color:green">after</span>');
__( '.menu li' ).eq(1).prepend( '<span style="color:red">before</span>');
__( '.menu li' ).first().before( '<li style="color:green">(first)before</li>');
__( '.menu li' ).last().after( '<li style="color:red">(last)after</li>');
__( 'h1' ).wrapInner( '<span class="new-div" />' );
__( 'h1' ).text( 'New H1' );
__( '.demo1' ).prev().addClass( 'prev' );
__( '.demo2' ).next().addClass( 'next' );
__( '.demo3' ).parent().addClass( 'parent' );
__( '.menu' ).parents().addClass( 'all-parents' );
__( '.demo' ).children().addClass( 'children-all' );
__( '.class-1' ).siblings().addClass( 'class-siblings' );
__( '.demo1' ).prev( 'ul' ).addClass( 'prev' );
__( '.demo2' ).next( 'ul' ).addClass( 'next' );
__( '.demo3' ).parent( 'ul' ).addClass( 'parent' );
__( '.menu' ).parents( 'ul' ).addClass( 'all-parents' );
__( '.demo' ).children( '.demo-children2' ).addClass( 'children-single' );
__( '.class-1' ).siblings( 'ul' ).addClass( 'class-siblings' );
__( '.class-1' ).not( '.class-2' ).addClass( 'class-not' );
__( '.class-1' ).filter( '.class-2' ).addClass( 'class-filter' );
__( '.demo' ).trigger( 'click' );
__( '.demo' ).toggleClass( 'class-toggle-1 class-toggle-2' );
//append HTML Element
const htmlObject = document.createElement('div');
htmlObject.innerHTML = '<span style="color:green">after</span>';
__( '.menu li' ).eq(1).append( htmlObject.firstChild );
//clone HTML Element
const cloneHTML = __( '.uix-menu__container' ).clone();
__( cloneHTML ).addClass( 'is-mobile' );
__( 'body' ).prependTo( cloneHTML );
__( 'body' ).appendTo( cloneHTML );
// Click event demos
__( '.menu li a' ).off( 'click' ).one( 'click', function( e ) {
console.log( 'This will be clicked only once' );
__( '.menu li' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
console.log('e: ', e);
console.log('this: ', this);
console.log('index(): ', __( this ).index());
console.log('attr(class): ', __( this ).attr( 'class' ));
__( this ).addClass( 'new-class' )
__( document ).off( 'click', '.menu li' );
__( document ).on( 'click', '.menu li', function( e ) {
console.log('e: ', e);
console.log('this: ', this);
console.log('index(): ', __( this ).index());
console.log('attr(class): ', __( this ).attr( 'class' ));
__( this ).addClass( 'new-class' )
__( '#imghere' ).off( 'click', imgFn);
__( '#imghere' ).on( 'click', imgFn);
function imgFn() {
console.log( 'imgFn' );
// Retrieve data demos
console.log( '<h1> content: ' + __( 'h1' ).html());
console.log( '<h1> content: ' + __( 'h1' ).text());
console.log( 'length of .menu li: ' + __( '.menu li' ).len() );
console.log( 'length of #none: ' + __( '#none' ).len() );
console.log( 'width(): ' + __( '.demo' ).width() );
console.log( 'outerWidth(): ' + __( '.demo' ).outerWidth() );
console.log( 'outerWidth( true ): ' + __( '.demo' ).outerWidth(true) );
console.log( 'height(): ' + __( '.demo' ).height() );
console.log( 'outerHeight(): ' + __( '.demo' ).outerHeight() );
console.log( 'outerHeight( true ): ' + __( '.demo' ).outerHeight(true) );
console.log( 'document h: ', __( document ).height() );
console.log( 'document w: ', __( document ).width() );
console.log( 'window h: ', __( window ).height() );
console.log( 'window h: ', __( window ).width() );
console.log( 'window scrollTop: ', __( window ).scrollTop() );
console.log( 'window scrollLeft: ', __( window ).scrollLeft() );
console.log( 'data: [data-bg] value: ' + __( '.demo' ).data( 'bg' ) );
console.log( 'attr: [disabled] value: ' + __( '.demo' ).attr( 'disabled' ) );
console.log( 'allAttrs(): ', __( '.demo' ).allAttrs() );
console.log( __( '.demo' ).hasClass( 'class-1' ) );
console.log( __( 'h1' ).offset() );
console.log( __( 'h1' ).position() );
console.log( __( '.demo' ).maxDimension() );
console.log( __( '.menu li:nth-child(2)' ).index() );
// Traverse all attribute names and values
const allAttrs = __( '#demo' ).allAttrs();
for (let key in allAttrs) {
console.log( key + ' = ' + allAttrs[key] );
// Loop demos
__( '.menu li' ).each( function( index, curSelector ) {
console.log( index + ' : ' );
console.log( this );
this.style.background = '#333';
__( this ).css({
'background': '#f00',
'font-size': '18px'
//Nested `each() `
//__( curSelector) are generally used for exact each selector
__( curSelector ).find( 'ul > li' ).each( function( index ) {
__( this ).attr( 'id', 'li-id-' + index );
//Nested `eq()`
for (let k = 0; k<liNum; k++) {
__( curSelector + ' ul > li' ).eq(k).css({
'font-size' : '18px'
__( curSelector + ' ul > li:nth-child('+k+') > a' ).css({
'font-size' : '18px'
// Animation demos
__( '.demo' ).fadeOut(1000, function(){
setTimeout( function() {
__( '.demo' ).fadeIn(3000);
},1000 );
__( '.menu' ).animate( 'marginLeft', 0, 100, 'px', 1500, 'ease-out', function(){ console.log(this.className); } );
__( '.menu' ).animate( 'marginTop', 0, 200, 'px', 1500, 'ease-out', function(){ console.log(this.className); } );
// AJAX demos
url: 'https://restcountries.com/v2/name/Argentina',
method: 'GET',
complete: function( data ) {
console.log( '=> ajax ok!' );
console.log( data );
// Form demos
__( '#input-name-1' ).val( ); //form control: `<Input />`
__( '#select-name-1' ).val( 'value-3' ); //form control: `<Select />`
__( '#switch-name-1' ).val( true ); //form control: `<Switch />`
__( '#checkbox-name-1' ).val( true ); //form control: `<Checkbox />`
__('input[name="radio-name-1"]').val( 'value-3' ); //form control: `<Radio />`
console.log( '__( val(): ' + __( '#input' ).val());
__( '#checkbox1' ).prop('checked', true);
console.log( '__( prop(): ' + __( '#checkbox2' ).prop( 'checked' ));
__( '#input' ).prop('disabled', true);
// To send data in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format instead
const formData = new FormData();
const defaultPostData = {
action : 'load_singlepages_ajax_content'
for(let k in defaultPostData) {
formData.append(k, defaultPostData[k]);
// For multiple form fields data acquisition
const oldFormData = __( '#form' ).serializeArray();
formData.append(item.name, item.value);
// Utilities demos
console.log( __.isTouchCapable() ); //true or false
console.log( __.browser.isIE ); //.isMobile, .isAndroid, .isPC, .isSafari, .isIE, .supportsPassive
console.log( __.GUID.create() );
console.log( __.math.evaluate( '100/3' ) );
console.log( __.math.getRandomFloat(1, 10) );
console.log( __.math.getDegree(135) );
console.log( __.math.getRadian(1) );
console.log( __.math.getPolarCoord(10,30,0) );
console.log( __.cssProperty.getAbsoluteCoordinates( __( '.col-12' )[0] ).left );
console.log( __.cssProperty.getTransitionDuration( __( '.col-12' )[0] ) );
console.log( __.styleFormat( 'font-size: 10px;background: #51B801; color:#fff; border-radius: 5px;padding: 2px 3px;display: inline-block;margin-left: 3px;' ) )
console.log( __.trim( 'string string spacing string' ) );
console.log( __.lastUrlParamFormat( 'string-string-spacing_string' ) );
console.log( __.removeFirstLastStr( ',string,string,string,' ) );
console.log( __.toSlug( 'string String2-s' ) );
console.log( __.htmlEncode( '<span style="color:red">text</span>' ) );
console.log( __.htmlDecode( '<span style="color:red">text</span>' ) );
console.log( __.validate.isMobile( '13167678787' ) ); //true
console.log( __.validate.isTel( '123-456-7890' ) ); //true
console.log( __.validate.isEmail( 'name@gmail.com' ) ); //true
console.log( __.validate.isNumber( '1421.231' ) ); //true
console.log( __.validate.isInt( '1421.231' ) ); //false
console.log( __.validate.isJSON( '{"a":true}' ) ); //true
// Scroll spy
const myFunc = function(){ console.log('throttle'); }
const throttleFunc = __.throttle(myFunc, 300);
window.removeEventListener('scroll', throttleFunc);
window.removeEventListener('touchmove', throttleFunc);
window.addEventListener('scroll', throttleFunc);
window.addEventListener('touchmove', throttleFunc);
// Click spy
const myFunc = function(){ console.log('debounce'); }
const debounceFunc = __.debounce(myFunc, 300);
function handleClick() {
// Window spy
const debounceFuncWindow = __.debounce(windowUpdate, 50);
window.removeEventListener('resize', debounceFuncWindow);
window.addEventListener('resize', debounceFuncWindow);
// Deep clone an element
let a = [1,2,3,4], b = __.deepClone(a);
let demo = document.querySelector( '#demo' ), demoCopy = __.deepClone(demo);
// Set a default configuration
function myFun(curElement, config) {
if ( typeof curElement === typeof undefined ) return;
config = __.setDefaultOptions({
"src" : false,
"htmlID" : false,
"fixed" : false,
"ajax" : false
}, config);
console.log( config ); //{src: 'https://google.com', htmlID: true, fixed: false, ajax: false}
myFun( __( '.demo-trigger' ), {
src: 'https://google.com',
htmlID: true
// Create a new method inherit from the constructor's prototype.
__.fn.myPlugin = function( color ) {
this.each( function(index) {
this.style.background = color;
return this;
__('body').myPlugin( '#f00' );
You will need to have node setup on your machine. That will output the built distributables to ./dist/*
Before doing all dev stuff make sure you have Node 14+
installed. After that, run the following code in the main directory to install the node module dependencies.
$ npm install
Debug application. It can be checked separately as TypeScript without compiling and packaging behavior.
$ npm run check
To use webpack to bundle files.
$ npm run build
$ npx -p typescript tsc dist/*.js --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir dist
Unit Testing
$ npm run test
Licensed under the MIT.