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the new demo apk can be downloaded here

c2d is a game engine, base on libgdx . Aim to easy use of the the libgdx api .I design c2d at my free time so if you have any ideas please give me feedback .



Some of the characteristics

C2d built a readable and expandable API .

  • Resources and loading
  • Alias Resource Manager any resources my be had one or more alias so you can easy change the resource but not the codes.
  • Custom resources load , you can change the subfix and protected your resources easily.
  • Custom game loadding screen
  • Event and Screen Switch
  • EventManager ,fire the regiestered event anytime.
  • TransitionScreen the animations of screen switch
  • Graphics
  • Animation Sprite support loop and LoopWithTime? mode.
  • Parallax Layer the Parallax Layer ,you can custom the layer's content via ParallaxLayerDrawable?
  • Surfaces support opengles1.x and 2.x .
  • Pixmap HelperModifying textures using libGDX Pixmap in runtime
  • Box2d
  • Load the world from json the json file is designed with c2d-tools


Some games use c2d-engine.

Fool Dig


My Dragon


Box2d editor


Be sure save it to disk first when u make a new scene.


  • Mouse wheel zooming scene
  • Drag using Right mouse to move the scene.
  • Click the examples under the test scenario for testing.
  • Click the run test
  • Right-click on the list on the left to add the Fixture, Body etc.
  • Any change of the spinner or checkbox will be applied to the model.

Some Edit mode:

  • Circle editing mode:
  • Click on the screen, move the mouse to resize the circle, tap the screen again to end
  • Box Edit mode:
  • Click on the screen, and move the mouse to resize the box, tap the screen again to end
  • Polygon mode(This May Has Error If too many confusion Clicks ):
  • The left mouse button click on the screen to add point.
  • Right Click actor point to delete point.
  • Click the ritht-bottom-vertices editor to insert points or delete point between specific points.
  • Dragging the actor points to adjust the position of the vertex
  • Body edit mode:
  • Right-click in the Right bottom Fixture list to add firmware
  • Drag the body to move
  • Drag the black area to rotate body
  • Press "space" to enter joint mode
  • Joint edit Mode:
  • draw a straight line from object A to object B , select the joint mode at the pop-up menu
  • Press Space to enter the body mode