A PHP library to get you started quickly with implementing the League of Legends API from Riot Games in your web application.
Simply replace YOUR_API_KEY in the RiotAPI.php file with your API key from Riot Games to get started.
* ====================================================================================
* = Make sure to have set API_KEY to the correct value in RiotAPI.php before testing =
* ====================================================================================
* It is not recommended to run this file as-is because it will execute 5 API calls at once
* not only will this impact your rate limit but the loading time can also be very long.
//Include the class required (which will in turn load required files on its own)
use \RiotAPI\RiotAPI;
$api = new RiotApi("na"); //Set the region in the constructor
$api->setRegion("euw"); //If needed you can change the region to use at any time using setRegion(<region>)
try {
//Fetch all champions from the API, returns an array with \RiotAPI\model\Champion objects
$champions = $api->getChampions($freeToPlay = false);
//Fetch an individual champion from the API, returns a \RiotAPI\model\Champion object
$champion = $api->getChampion($id = 143);
//Fetch a summoner by name
$summonerByName = $api->getSummonerByName("xorinzor");
//Fetch a summoner by ID
$summonerById = $api->getSummonerById(25622575);
//Fetch static data
$static = $api->getStaticData('item/{id}', array('id' => 3101));
//pretty print the results
echo '<pre>';
} catch(Exception $e) {
//Catch any errors that may occur and handle them within your application
echo "<p><strong>Error:</strong> An exception occured</p><br /><pre>";
//set the region to use for the API calls
RiotAPI::setRegion(string $region);
//Open the provided URL and return its result
RiotAPI::executeCall(string $url); //
//Get a list of champions
RiotAPI::getChampions([ boolean $freeToPlay = false ]);
//Get an champion by its ID
RiotAPI::getChampion(int $id);
//Get a summoner by his/her ID
RiotAPI::getSummonerById(int $id);
//Get a summoner by his/her name
RiotAPI::getSummonerByName(string $name);
//Get data from the static-data API
RiotAPI::getStaticData(string $type [, array $path = array() [, array $query = array() ]]);
- Implement the remaining functions (api calls)
- Rate Limit counter
- More caching methods
- Suggestions? Let me know via a ticket in the issues section
- Added files for build-testing with Trevis-CI
- Fixed bug setting the region in the constructor
- Fixed RiotAPI.php bug
- Added RiotAPI::getStaticData
- Fixed cache result bug in RiotAPI::getChampions
- Fixed RiotAPI::getChampions for the new v1.2 server url (get champion name via RiotAPI::getStaticData)
- Removed the unused PATCH_VERSION variable
- Removed type hinting from the model classes
- updated the comments