Common scripts and templates used by xPack node modules and web sites.
- create the GitHub project
- name
- like
, orxcdl-cli-ts
for Node.js modules - like
for web sites (later to be renamed toxpm
- like
- description
- like 'A Node.js CommonJS/ES6 module with ...'
- like 'The xPack project manager command line tool' (shown in CLI too)
- like 'Web site for the xpm web; (preview for now, to be renamed as xpm)'
- public
- .gitignore Node
- name
- edit Settings
- disable Wikis
- enable Sponsorship
- ko_fi: ilegeul
- enable Discussions
- Pages: GitHub Actions
- edit About
- enable Use your GitHub Pages website
- remove Releases, etc
- clone locally into
- open
with TextEdit
npm init --yes
Update license MIT, Copyright (c) 2024 Liviu Ionescu. All rights reserved.
- remove
from name - check version; possibly make it "0.0.0" for packages not published to npmjs
- add properties to
on); replace XYZ
"name": "XYZ",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "Preview for the new xpm web; to be renamed as xpm",
"main": "",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"keywords": [
"author": {
"name": "Liviu Ionescu",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"contributors": [],
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {},
"bundleDependencies": [],
"config": {},
"engines": {
"node": " >=18.0.0"
For CLI project which have a preview site, update homepage. Not for web deploy only.
"homepage": "",
"homepagePreview": "",
Install json
and liquidjs
npm install json liquidjs --save-dev
Link the local helper & template projects:
npm link @xpack/npm-packages-helper @xpack/docusaurus-template-liquid
For the top web project, add to top package.json
"buildConfig": {
"isOrganizationWeb": "true"
For Web deployment only projects, add
"config": {
"isWebDeployOnly": "true",
"websiteRepo": "xpack/xcdl-cli-ts"
Add two scripts to top package.json
(remove dummy test
For Web deployment only projects, the second is not necessary.
"generate-top-commons-init": "bash -x node_modules/@xpack/npm-packages-helper/maintenance-scripts/ --init",
"create-website-init": "bash -x node_modules/@xpack/docusaurus-template-liquid/maintenance-scripts/ --init"
Run them. For Web deployment only projects, the second is not necessary.
npm run generate-top-commons-init
npm run create-website-init
Run the new generate-top-commons
When no longer needed:
- remove script
Add websiteConfig
to website/package.json
, after engines
see the README
file in docusaurus-template-liquid.git
for details.
In website
npm install
npm run link-deps
npm run generate-website-commons
"xpack_context": {
"packageScopedName": "xcdl",
"packageScope": "",
"packageName": "xcdl",
"packageVersion": "2.0.0-pre",
"releaseVersion": "2.0.0",
"packageDescription": "The xPack Component Manager command line tool",
"githubProjectOrganization": "xpack",
"githubProjectName": "xcdl-cli-ts",
"isTypeScript": "true",
"isJavaScript": "false",
"packageEnginesNodeVersion": "18.0.0",
"packageEnginesNodeVersionMajor": "18",
"packageDependenciesTypescriptVersion": "4.9.5",
"packageHomepage": "",
"baseUrl": "/xcdl-preview/",
"packageHomepagePreview": "",
"baseUrlPreview": "/xcdl-cli-ts/",
"releaseDate": "2024-11-19 21:20:02 +0200",
"packageConfig": {},
"packageBuildConfig": {
"greeting": "The xPack components manager command line tool",
"isTypeScript": "true"
"packageWebsiteConfig": {
"shortName": "xcdl",
"longName": "xPack Component Manager",
"title": "xcdl - The xPack Component Manager",
"tagline": "A tool to manage component configurations, inspired by eCos (work in progress)",
"metadataDescription": "The xPack Component Manager command line tool",
"metadataKeywords": "xcdl, xpack, components, manager, cli, cdl, ecos",
"hasCli": "true",
"hasApi": "true",
"isInstallGlobally": "true",
"shareOnTwitter": "true",
"hasTopHomepageFeatures": "true",
"hasCustomUserSidebar": "true",
"hasCustomUserInformation": "true",
"nodeVersion": "18.20.4"
When no longer needed:
- Remove script
- Remove script