- AOP - Aspect-Orientend Programing (loose cutpoints)
- AQL - Array Query Language - building SQL using array
- Aspect - Aspect-Orientend Programing (attributes)
- Collection-Trait - Traits to build collections of specific objects
- Collection - Wrapper for arrays
- Container - DI Container
- DAO - Data Access Object - wrapper over SQL
- DX-SPA - JavaScript SPA, framework less, no NPM, zero depedencies
- DX-VAL - DOM as a model, getting, setting values, rendering engine
- DX - JavaScript Architecture Pattern
- Flux - Event and Log Management Tool
- Guard - Container object for dealing with optional/null values
- Middleware - Middleware component
- Monitor - Monitor long running script
- Pipe - Fluent data manipulation
- Result - Handling failures, input errors
- Sensei - PHP app, not a framework, modular, low abstraction.
- Sorter - Sort multidimensional array by multiple criteria like columns, keys, any deep value
- Tpl - Native PHP template system
- Typed - Primitives as Typed Objects, data validation
- Validation - Flexible data validation
- Lainstance DI Container extension for resolving and defining singletons alongside classes
- Laravel Modular Monolith Skeleton of Modular Monolith in Laravel
- Lasorter Sorter macro for Collection