Write a report for cell phone usages in the company for a given year, and print the report to your local printer.
Database tables are in comma separated files with the header in the first row.
- employeeId
- employeeName
- purchaseDate
- model
CellPhoneUsageByMonth.csv (beware that there may be more than one record for an employee on a single date, so it is not a perfect data in a perfect world)
- employeeId
- year
- month
- minutesUsed
- dataUsed
The report should contain the following information
Header Section
- Report Run Date
- Number of Phones
- Total Minutes
- Total Data
- Average Minutes
- Average Data
Details Section
For each company cell phone provide the following information
- Employee Id
- Employee Name
- Model
- Purchase Date
- Minutes Usage
- one column for each month
- Data Usage
- one column for each month
Report should be printed to a local printer in your computer.
Java is the programming language we want you use. Any version of Java will be fine. You can use open source libraries if you like.
Build your own public repo on GitHub, and call it whatever you like. Build your solution in your repo, and include a README.md file that contains some instructions and notes about design choices you made that you want us be aware while reviewing your code. Email the URL for your github repo to your hiring manager once you begin the project so we can review your progress. Once your project is completed, please email your hiring manager.
One of the major goals in this project is to see how you fill in ambiguities in your own way. If you have any questions or need clarification, make your own assumptions and document in your readme. There is no such thing as a perfect project here.
Thank you for your time. We are excited to review your project!