A small client to connect to a Peer DNS Server
npm install peer-dns-client
This client implements events of the Peer DNS Server to always stay aligned with server package updates
- Link: An event triggered when a new peer connect to a domain that you are listening.
It`s emits an object param with two properties:
- id: Identifier of external connection
- offer: Optional parameter of type RTCSessionDescription
- Candidates: An event triggered when a peer with offer exchanged share it's candidates
It`s emits an object param with two properties:
- id: Identifier of external connection
- candidates: An array of RTCIceCandidate
Query: Need only a parameter indicating a domain to join a listen for new connections
send.link: Used to response a link event with received id and optional offer
send.candidates: Used to share candidates with an id indicating the other peer and an array of candidates
exit: Used to stop listening connections in a domain
close: Used to close connection with Peer DNS Server