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Releases: xvik/gradle-quality-plugin


01 Feb 14:48
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  • (BREAKING) Drop gradle 5 and 6 support
  • Update spotbugs plugin to 5.2.5 (#94)
    • Remove spotbugsShowStackTraces option because it's not used by spotbugs anymore
    • Custom xsl file is not used for html report - native html report generation used instead
    • Add spotbugs-annotations dependency automatically with compileOnly (to simplify @SuppressFBWarnings usage)
      Could be disabled with quality.spotbugsAnnotations = false configuration
  • Update checkstyle 10.6.0 -> 10.12.7 (gradle metadata fix applied)
    • Fix links to checkstyle site (site structure changed)
  • Update spotbugs 4.7.3 -> 4.8.3
  • Update pmd 6.54 -> 6.55 (java 20 support)
  • Update codenarc 3.2.0 -> 3.4.0
  • Remove deprecated gradle apis usage
    • The plugin is still NOT compatible with configuration cache

NOTE: in strict mode (when a quality task fails when violations are found)
a console report may appear NOT STRICTLY BELOW the referenced quality task
(because old gradle api was deprecated and new api does not guarantee
immediate execution after the quality task)


18 Feb 13:21
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  • Gradle 8 support (#77)
  • Update checkstyle 10.3.1 -> 10.6.0
  • Update pmd 6.47 -> 6.54 (java 19 support)
  • Update pmd config:
  • Update spotbugs 4.7.1 -> 4.7.3
  • Update codenarc 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0
  • Fix codenarc for groovy4 support: change to x.x-groovy-4.0 version instead of codenarc-groovy4 artifact


02 Jul 14:14
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  • Update checkstyle 9.1 -> 10.3.1
    IMPORTANT: Checkstyle 10 requires java 11, but plugin will automatically switch to
    backports for lower jre.
    Additional maven repository would be registered if required (LIMITED to checkstyle only)
    Warning in log would clearly indicate when backport is used
  • New option: quality.checkstyleBackport (by default true for jre < 11)
    Option might be used to force backport for java >=11 or to disable backport at all
  • Update checkstyle config:
  • Update pmd 6.34 -> 6.47 (java 17-18 support)
  • Update pmd config:
  • Update codenarc 2.2.0 -> 3.1.0 (groovy 4 support)
  • New option: quality.codenarcGroovy4 (by default, true)
    Since codenarc 3.1 separate groovy4-based codenarc jar produced (codenarc-groovy4)
    It would be used by default because groovy 4 has better adoption for newer JDKs
    (codenarc task started with its own groovy so it does not restrict gradle version)
    If you need to use older codenarc version then switch this option off manually
  • Update spotbugs 4.4.2 -> 4.7.1
  • Update spotbugs plugin 4.7.9 -> 4.8.0


10 Nov 17:21
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  • Fix gradle 7 deprecation warnings (#30)
  • Update spotbugs plugin 4.7.1 -> 4.7.9
    (maven group changed: -> com.github.spotbugs.snom)
  • Add spotbugsShowStackTraces option with default to false.
    Option introduced to change the default for spotbug's showStackTraces option
    to avoid additional stacktrace in logs in non-strict mode (when plugin not fails on errors)
  • Update spotbugs 4.2.3 -> 4.4.2
  • Update spotbugs exclusions:
  • Update codenarc 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0
  • Deprecate quality.pmdIncremental property because incremental analysis is enabled by default
    since gradle 6.4 (property only useful for enabling it in gradle 5.6 - 6.3)
  • Update checkstyle 8.42 -> 9.1
  • Update checkstyle config:


01 May 11:32
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  • Fix gradle 7 compatibility (for checkstyle plugin)
  • Fix console output on windows (remove special unicode separator characters, appearing incorrectly)
  • Update checkstyle 8.39 -> 8.42
  • Update checkstyle config:
  • Update pmd 6.31 -> 6.34 (java 16 support)
  • Update pmd config:
  • Update spotbugs 4.2.1 -> 4.2.3
  • Update spotbugs plugin 4.6.0 -> 4.7.1
  • Update codenarc 2.0.0 -> 2.1.0


06 Feb 20:08
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  • Fix report separating lines disappear in intellij IDEA output (appears when gradle output recognized as junit test output).
    Extra zero-width space symbol used to prevent trims.
  • Update checkstyle 8.36.2 -> 8.39 (not 8.40 due to Indentation check regression)
  • Update checkstyle config:
  • Update pmd 6.28 -> 6.31
  • Update pmd config:
  • Update spotbugs 4.1.3 -> 4.2.1
  • Update spotbugs plugin 4.5.1 -> 4.6.0
  • Set checkstyle.configDirectory property: required for ${config_loc} variable (#29)


10 Oct 21:31
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  • Update codenarc 1.5 -> 2.0.0 (groovy 3 and java 14 support, requires java 7)
  • Update codenarc config:
    • Disable new rule ImplicitReturnStatement
      because it will cause too many warnings on typical projects and sometimes don't see existing return
  • Update pmd 6.23 -> 6.28 (java 15 support, text block syntax)
  • Update checkstyle 8.32 -> 8.36.2 (java 14 records support, text block syntax)
  • Update checkstyle config
  • Update spotbugs 4.0.3 -> 4.1.3
  • Update spotbugs plugin 4.1.0 -> 4.5.1
  • Fix exclusions apply for spotbugs (#27)
  • Automatically exclude apt-generated sources for spotbugs
    (apt processor(s) assumed to be specified with annotationProcessor configuration)


13 May 01:27
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  • Update spotbugs plugin to 4.1.0 (#26)
    • Fixes gradle 6.4 compatibility.
    • The new plugin is a re-write of the original spotbugs plugin. But quality plugin
      makes it work as before, so you shouldn't see any difference.
    • Minimal supported gradle is now 5.6 (due to spotbugs plugin)
    • New spotbugs plugin can generate html report itself, but this option is not used
  • Update spotbugs 4.0.2 -> 4.0.3
  • Update checkstyle 8.31 -> 8.32
  • Update checkstyle config:
  • Update pmd 6.22 -> 6.23

* New spotbugs plugin does not support build cache (spotbugs/spotbugs-gradle-plugin#244)
* Spotbugs task always show an exception when violations found (not a problem, just confusing)


22 Apr 23:02
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  • Remove spotbugs configuration "tuning" (added in the last version) because it eventually works incorrectly (often causing warnings).
    Spotbugs 4.0.2 depends on slf4j 1.8 which should avoid compatibility problems (at least for some time).


15 Apr 19:34
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  • Update spotbugs 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
  • Revert (and change) spotbugs configuration customizations:
    • Remove explicit asm dependency for "spotbugs" configuration
      It was added by mistake: dependency-management plugin applied for all configurations
      was actually guilty of incorrect asm version (case description added to documentation)
    • Force correct version of sl4j-simple instead of removing dependency
      (nasty warnings introduced in previous release will disappear now)

Warnings from the previous version are no more actual (except new plugin version (4)).