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Libmoon is a flexible and extensible multi-objective optimization platform. Our goal is to make MOO great again. We released libmoon not because developing MOO is easy, but because it is hard.


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LibMOON: A Gradient-based MultiObjective OptimizatioN Library in PyTorch



LibMOON is a multiobjective optimization framework that spans from single-objective optimization to multiobjective optimization. It aims to enhance the understanding of optimization problems and facilitate fair comparisons between MOO algorithms. A submission to NeurIPS 2024 DB track.

"I raise my cup to invite the moon.
With my shadow we become three from one."
-- Li Bai

Main Contributors

  • Xiaoyuan Zhang (Maintainer of Pareto set learning, gradient-based solver)
  • Ji Cheng
  • Liang Zhao (Maintainer of MOBO)
  • Weiduo Liao
  • Zhe Zhao
  • Xi Lin
  • Cheng Gong
  • Longcan Chen
  • Yingying Yu


  • Hongzong Li (For the non-local search)

Advisory Board

  • Prof. Jingda Deng (Xi'an Jiaotong University) (For advice of High-D hypervolume computation)
  • Prof. Yifan Chen (Hong Kong Baptist University) (For advice of OR)
  • Prof. Ke Shang (Shenzhen University) (For advice of approximate hypervolume-based methods)
  • Prof. Han Zhao (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (For advice of fariness classification)


The corresponding author is Chair Prof. Qingfu Zhang (FIEEE, City University of Hong Kong).



For more information on methodologies, please visit our GitHub repository. Contributions and stars are welcome!

(1) A standardlized gradient based framework.

Optimization Problem Classes

Problem Class Details

For more information on problem specifics, please refer to the file.

Synthetic Problems

Here's a list of synthetic problems along with relevant research papers and project/code links:

Problem Paper Project/Code
ZDT Paper Project
DTLZ Paper Project
MAF Paper Project
WFG Paper Code
Fi's Paper Code
RE Paper Code

Multitask Learning Problems

This section details problems related to multitask learning, along with their corresponding papers and project/code references:

Problem Paper Project/Code
Fairness Classification COSMOS COSMOS
Federated Learning Federal MTL COSMOS
Synthetic (DST, FTS...) Envelop Project
Robotics (MO-MuJoCo...) PGMORL Code

Current Supported Solvers

LibMOON includes a variety of solvers tailored for different needs as img below shows. The following solvers are currently:

Gradient-based MOO Solver

  • GradAggSolver
  • EPOSolver
  • MOO-SVGDSolver (*)
  • MGDASolver
  • PMGDASolver
  • PMTLSolver
  • HVGradSolver

(*) The original MOO-SVGD code does not include an implementation for Multitask Learning (MTL). Our release of MOO-SVGD is the first open-source code that supports MTL.

Method Property #Obj Support Published Complexity
Aggregation fun. based, e.g. Tche,mTche,LS,PBI,... Pareto solution with aggregations. Any Y
COSMOS code Approximated exact solution. Any Y ICDM 2021 $O(m n K )$
EPO code Exact solution. Any Y ICML 2020 $O(m^2 n K )$
MOO-SVGD code A set of diverse Pareto solution. Any Y NeurIPS 2021 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$
MGDA code Arbitray Pareto solutions. Location affected highly by initialization. Any Y NeurIPS 2018 $O(m^2 n K )$
PMGDA Pareto solutions satisfying any preference. Any Y Under review $O(m^2 n K )$
PMTL code Pareto solutions in sectors. 2. 3 is difficult. Y NeurIPS 2019 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$
HVGrad WangHao code It is a gradient-based HV method. 2/3 Y CEC 2023 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$

Here, $m$ is the number of objectives, $K$ is the number of samples, and $n$ is the number of decision variables. For neural network based methods, $n$ is the number of parameters; hence $n$ is very large (>10000), $K$ is also large ( e.g., 20-50), while $m$ is small (2.g., 2-4). As a result, $m^2$ is not a big problem. $n^2$ is a big problem. $K^2$ is a big problem.

Time complexity of gradient based methods are as follows,

  1. Tier 1. GradAggSolver.
  2. Tier 2. MGDASolver, EPOSolver, PMTLSolver.
  3. Tier 3. GradHVSolver
  4. Tier 4. MOOSVGDSolver

Important things to notice: The original code MOO-SVGD does not offer a MTL implement. Our code is the first open source code for MTL MOO-SVGD.

Pareto set learning(PSL) Solvers

LibMOON supports various models of PSL solvers, categorized as follows:

  • EPO-based PSL
  • Agg-based PSL
  • PMGDA-based PSL
  • Evolutionary-based PSL

MultiObjective Bayesian Optimization (MOBO) Solvers

  • PSL-DirHV-EI
  • DirHV-EGO

ML Pretrained Methods

  • HV Net, a model for handling high-volume data, available here.


Libmoon is available on PyPI. You can install it using pip:

pip install libmoon==0.1.11
  • Example1: Finding a size-K (K=5) Pareto solutions with four lines of code.
from libmoon.solver.gradient.methods import EPOSolver
from libmoon.util_global.initialization import synthetic_init
from libmoon.util_global.weight_factor import uniform_pref
from libmoon.util_global import get_problem

problem = get_problem(problem_name='ZDT1')
prefs = uniform_pref(n_prob=5, n_obj=problem.n_obj, clip_eps=1e-2)
solver = EPOSolver(problem, step_size=1e-2, n_iter=1000, tol=1e-2)
res = solver.solve(x=synthetic_init(problem, prefs), prefs=prefs)
  • Example2: PSL in a problem with three lines of solving problem and two lines of evaluating the results.
from libmoon.solver.psl.core_psl import AggPSLSolver
from libmoon.util_global import get_problem
from libmoon.util_global.weight_factor import uniform_pref
from torch import Tensor

problem = get_problem(problem_name='ZDT1')
# agg list [ ’ls ’, ’tche ’, ’mtche ’, ’pbi ’, ... ]
prefs = uniform_pref(n_prob=100, n_obj=problem.n_obj, clip_eps=1e-2)
solver = AggPSLSolver(problem, agg='ls')
model = solver.solve()
eval_y = problem.evaluate(model(Tensor(prefs).cuda()))


LibMOON: A Gradient-based MultiObjective OptimizatioN Library in PyTorch



LibMOON is a multiobjective optimization framework that spans from single-objective optimization to multiobjective optimization. It aims to enhance the understanding of optimization problems and facilitate fair comparisons between MOO algorithms. A submission to NeurIPS 2024 DB track.

"I raise my cup to invite the moon.
With my shadow we become three from one."
-- Li Bai

Main Contributors

  • Xiaoyuan Zhang (Maintainer of Pareto set learning, gradient-based solver)
  • Ji Cheng
  • Liao Zhao (Maintainer of MOBO)
  • Weiduo Liao
  • Zhe Zhao
  • Xi Lin
  • Cheng Gong
  • Longcan Chen
  • YingYing Yu

Advisory Board

  • Prof. Jingda Deng (Xi'an Jiaotong University) (For advice of High-D hypervolume computation)
  • Prof. Yifan Chen (Hong Kong Baptist University) (For advice of OR)
  • Prof. Ke Shang (Shenzhen University) (For advice of approximate hypervolume-based methods)
  • Prof. Han Zhao (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (For advice of fariness classification)


The corresponding author is Chair Prof. Qingfu Zhang (FIEEE, City University of Hong Kong).



For more information on methodologies, please visit our GitHub repository. Contributions and stars are welcome!

(1) A standardlized gradient based framework.

Optimization Problem Classes

Problem Class Details

For more information on problem specifics, please refer to the file.

Synthetic Problems

Here's a list of synthetic problems along with relevant research papers and project/code links:

Problem Paper Project/Code
ZDT Paper Project
DTLZ Paper Project
MAF Paper Project
WFG Paper Code
Fi's Paper Code
RE Paper Code

Multitask Learning Problems

This section details problems related to multitask learning, along with their corresponding papers and project/code references:

Problem Paper Project/Code
Fairness Classification COSMOS COSMOS
Federated Learning Federal MTL COSMOS
Synthetic (DST, FTS...) Envelop Project
Robotics (MO-MuJoCo...) PGMORL Code

Current Supported Solvers

LibMOON includes a variety of solvers tailored for different needs as img below shows. The following solvers are currently:

Gradient-based MOO Solver

  • GradAggSolver
  • EPOSolver
  • MOO-SVGDSolver (*)
  • MGDASolver
  • PMGDASolver
  • PMTLSolver
  • HVGradSolver

(*) The original MOO-SVGD code does not include an implementation for Multitask Learning (MTL). Our release of MOO-SVGD is the first open-source code that supports MTL.

Method Property #Obj Support Published Complexity
Aggregation fun. based, e.g. Tche,mTche,LS,PBI,... Pareto solution with aggregations. Any Y
COSMOS code Approximated exact solution. Any Y ICDM 2021 $O(m n K )$
EPO code Exact solution. Any Y ICML 2020 $O(m^2 n K )$
MOO-SVGD code A set of diverse Pareto solution. Any Y NeurIPS 2021 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$
MGDA code Arbitray Pareto solutions. Location affected highly by initialization. Any Y NeurIPS 2018 $O(m^2 n K )$
PMGDA Pareto solutions satisfying any preference. Any Y Under review $O(m^2 n K )$
PMTL code Pareto solutions in sectors. 2. 3 is difficult. Y NeurIPS 2019 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$
HVGrad WangHao code It is a gradient-based HV method. 2/3 Y CEC 2023 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$

Here, $m$ is the number of objectives, $K$ is the number of samples, and $n$ is the number of decision variables. For neural network based methods, $n$ is the number of parameters; hence $n$ is very large (>10000), $K$ is also large ( e.g., 20-50), while $m$ is small (2.g., 2-4). As a result, $m^2$ is not a big problem. $n^2$ is a big problem. $K^2$ is a big problem.

Time complexity of gradient based methods are as follows,

  1. Tier 1. GradAggSolver.
  2. Tier 2. MGDASolver, EPOSolver, PMTLSolver.
  3. Tier 3. GradHVSolver
  4. Tier 4. MOOSVGDSolver

Important things to notice: The original code MOO-SVGD does not offer a MTL implement. Our code is the first open source code for MTL MOO-SVGD.

Pareto set learning(PSL) Solvers

LibMOON supports various models of PSL solvers, categorized as follows:

  • EPO-based PSL
  • Agg-based PSL
  • PMGDA-based PSL
  • Evolutionary-based PSL

MultiObjective Bayesian Optimization (MOBO) Solvers

  • PSL-DirHV-EI
  • DirHV-EGO

ML Pretrained Methods

  • HV Net, a model for handling high-volume data, available here.


Libmoon is available on PyPI. You can install it using pip:

pip install libmoon==0.1.11
  • Example1: Finding a size-K (K=5) Pareto solutions with four lines of code.
from libmoon.solver.gradient.methods import EPOSolver
from libmoon.util_global.initialization import synthetic_init
from libmoon.util_global.weight_factor import uniform_pref
from libmoon.util_global import get_problem

problem = get_problem(problem_name='ZDT1')
prefs = uniform_pref(n_prob=5, n_obj=problem.n_obj, clip_eps=1e-2)
solver = EPOSolver(problem, step_size=1e-2, n_iter=1000, tol=1e-2)
res = solver.solve(x=synthetic_init(problem, prefs), prefs=prefs)
  • Example2: PSL in a problem with three lines of solving problem and two lines of evaluating the results.
from libmoon.solver.psl.core_psl import AggPSLSolver
from libmoon.util_global import get_problem
from libmoon.util_global.weight_factor import uniform_pref
from torch import Tensor

problem = get_problem(problem_name='ZDT1')
# agg list [ ’ls ’, ’tche ’, ’mtche ’, ’pbi ’, ... ]
prefs = uniform_pref(n_prob=100, n_obj=problem.n_obj, clip_eps=1e-2)
solver = AggPSLSolver(problem, agg='ls')
model = solver.solve()
eval_y = problem.evaluate(model(Tensor(prefs).cuda()))

If you find our code useful, please cite our paper:

  author = {Zhang, Xiaoyuan and Zhao, Liang and Yu, Yingying and Lin, Xi and Chen, Yifan and Zhao, Han and Zhang, Qingfu},
  title = {{LibMOON: A Gradient-based MultiObjective
OptimizatioN Library in PyTorch}},
  url = {},
  version = {2.0.4},
  year = {2024}