Enhance Vue's built in 'createElement' or 'h' function with automatic detection of ids and classes. Defaults to div when the element name is not provided.
For use with Vue Render Functions.
import hyperscript from 'vue-hyperscript-terse'
render: (h, ctx) => {
h = hyperscript(h)
return h('#root.wrapper', [
h('.mobile', 'Test'),
h('table.fullwidth.hero', [
h('tr', [
h('td.number', '0.123'),
h('td', 'Bob')
// is equivalent to:
render: (h, ctx) => {
return h('div', { attrs: { id: 'root' }, class: { wrapper: true } }, [
h('div', { class: { mobile: true } }, 'Test'),
h('table', { class: { fullwidth: true, hero: true } } [
h('tr', [
h('td', { class: { number: true } }, '0.123'),
h('td', 'Bob')