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Cheat sheet

iloosion edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

remote file access

It’s really nice to have remote file access set up and working nicely. Every time when you will want to check something file orientated, upload file, download file you will use remote file access to your oiyshTerminal. I will explain how to do it using sftp protocal ( Sftp is a part of ssh functionality).

You will need to have:

  • sshd running,
  • know your ip address of oiyshTerminal,
  • port of ssh service,
  • password.

On Windows


On linux it’s super easy using fuse mount or with almost all graphical file browsers you can connect to sftp service.

In my case its: sftp://

sftp – is a protocal – is ip address of oiyshTerminal instance (device)

2222 – is a port on which sshd is working

/data/data/com.termux/files/home – it’s a path where termux home directory is located on your android device. All so known as a $PREFIX in termux shell

Be careful don’t move or delete any files :)

node-RED importing flow

You can make it by entering in web browser address (in my case its):

You will enter node-RED web page.

In top right corner you can find menu button (tree horizontal bars) > Import or press CRTL + I

You will see an Import nodes window

Paste json string in to big multi line text entry.

If it’s required select below “current flow” or “new flow” and

confirm by pressing Import button located lower on right.

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