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Add Conversion From WGS84 To Lambert
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yageek committed Jul 7, 2014
2 parents 28d1598 + 3c12d0a commit 1100657
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Binary file added docs/NTG_71.pdf
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Binary file added docs/TransformationsCoordonneesGeodesiques.pdf
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236 changes: 183 additions & 53 deletions src/main/java/net/yageek/lambert/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,38 +1,137 @@
package net.yageek.lambert;

import sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.NotImplementedException;

import static java.lang.Math.*;
import static net.yageek.lambert.LambertZone.*;

public class Lambert {
Online samples :
Install cs2cs on Ubuntu :
Conversion From Lambert Zone II to WGS 84 :
$>cs2cs +proj=lcc +lat_1=46.8 +lat_0=46.8 +lon_0=0 +k_0=0.99987742 +x_0=600000 +y_0=2200000 +a=6378249.2 +b=6356515 +towgs84=-168,-60,320,0,0,0,0 +pm=paris +units=m +no_defs +to +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs -f "%.11f" <<EOF
> 618115 2430676
2.58331732871 48.87414278182 43.05512374267
Conversion From WGS 84 To Lambert Zone II:
$>cs2cs +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +to +proj=lcc +lat_1=46.8 +lat_0=46.8 +lon_0=0 +k_0=0.99987742 +x_0=600000 +y_0=2200000 +a=6378249.2 +b=6356515 +towgs84=-168,-60,320,0,0,0,0 +pm=paris +units=m +no_defs -f "%.11f" <<EOF
2.58331732871 48.8741427818
618115.00035284588 2430676.00004872493 -43.05512374081

* ALGO0002

Documentations :
private static double latitudeFromLatitudeISO(double latISo, double e, double eps)
public class Lambert {

* ALGO0001
public static double latitudeISOFromLat(double lat, double e) {
double elt11 = Math.PI / 4d;
double elt12 = lat / 2d;
double elt1 = tan(elt11 + elt12);

double elt21 = e * sin(lat);
double elt2 = pow((1 - elt21) / (1 + elt21), e / 2d);

return log(elt1 * elt2);

double phi0 = 2* atan(exp(latISo)) - M_PI_2;
double phiI = 2*atan(pow((1+e*sin(phi0))/(1-e*sin(phi0)),e/2.0)*exp(latISo)) - M_PI_2;
* ALGO0002
private static double latitudeFromLatitudeISO(double latISo, double e, double eps) {

double phi0 = 2 * atan(exp(latISo)) - M_PI_2;
double phiI = 2 * atan(pow((1 + e * sin(phi0)) / (1 - e * sin(phi0)), e / 2d) * exp(latISo)) - M_PI_2;
double delta = abs(phiI - phi0);

while(delta > eps)
while (delta > eps) {
phi0 = phiI;
phiI = 2*atan(pow((1+e*sin(phi0))/(1-e*sin(phi0)),e/2.0)*exp(latISo)) - M_PI_2;
phiI = 2 * atan(pow((1 + e * sin(phi0)) / (1 - e * sin(phi0)), e / 2d) * exp(latISo)) - M_PI_2;
delta = abs(phiI - phi0);

return phiI;

* ALGO0003
public static LambertPoint geographicToLambertAlg003(double latitude, double longitude, LambertZone zone, double lonMeridian, double e) {

double n = zone.n();
double C = zone.c();
double xs = zone.xs();
double ys = zone.ys();

double latIso = latitudeISOFromLat(latitude, e);

double eLatIso = exp(-n * latIso);

double nLon = n * (longitude - lonMeridian);

double x = xs + C * eLatIso * sin(nLon);
double y = ys - C * eLatIso * cos(nLon);

return new LambertPoint(x, y, 0);

* 3.4 Coordonnées géographiques Lambert
public static LambertPoint geographicToLambert(double latitude, double longitude, LambertZone zone, double lonMeridian, double e) {

double n = zone.n();
double C = zone.c();
double xs = zone.xs();
double ys = zone.ys();

double sinLat = sin(latitude);
double eSinLat = (e * sinLat);
double elt1 = (1 + sinLat) / (1 - sinLat);
double elt2 = (1 + eSinLat) / (1 - eSinLat);

double latIso = (1 / 2d) * log(elt1) - (e / 2d) * log(elt2);

double R = C * exp(-(n * latIso));

double LAMBDA = n * (longitude - lonMeridian);

double x = xs + (R * sin(LAMBDA));
double y = ys - (R * cos(LAMBDA));

return new LambertPoint(x, y, 0);

* ALGO0004 - Lambert vers geographiques

private static LambertPoint lambertToGeographic(LambertPoint org, LambertZone zone, double lonMeridian, double e, double eps)
public static LambertPoint lambertToGeographic(LambertPoint org, LambertZone zone, double lonMeridian, double e, double eps) {
double n = zone.n();
double C = zone.c();
double xs = zone.xs();
Expand All @@ -46,43 +145,40 @@ private static LambertPoint lambertToGeographic(LambertPoint org, LambertZone zo

R = sqrt((x - xs) * (x - xs) + (y - ys) * (y - ys));

gamma = atan((x-xs)/(ys-y));
gamma = atan((x - xs) / (ys - y));

lon = lonMeridian + gamma/n;
lon = lonMeridian + gamma / n;

latIso = -1/n*log(abs(R/C));
latIso = -1 / n * log(abs(R / C));

double lat = latitudeFromLatitudeISO(latIso, e, eps);

LambertPoint dest = new LambertPoint(lon,lat,0);
return dest;
return new LambertPoint(lon, lat, 0);

* ALGO0021 - Calcul de la grande Normale

private static double lambertNormal(double lat, double a, double e)
private static double lambertNormal(double lat, double a, double e) {

return a/sqrt(1-e*e*sin(lat)*sin(lat));
return a / sqrt(1 - e * e * sin(lat) * sin(lat));

* ALGO0009 - Transformations geographiques -> cartésiennes

private static LambertPoint geographicToCartesian(double lon, double lat, double he, double a, double e)
private static LambertPoint geographicToCartesian(double lon, double lat, double he, double a, double e) {
double N = lambertNormal(lat, a, e);

LambertPoint pt = new LambertPoint(0,0,0);
LambertPoint pt = new LambertPoint(0, 0, 0);

pt.setX((N + he) * cos(lat) * cos(lon));
pt.setY((N + he) * cos(lat) * sin(lon));
pt.setZ((N * (1 - e * e) + he) * sin(lat));

return pt;

Expand All @@ -92,64 +188,98 @@ private static LambertPoint geographicToCartesian(double lon, double lat, double
* ALGO0012 - Passage des coordonnées cartésiennes aux coordonnées géographiques

private static LambertPoint cartesianToGeographic(LambertPoint org, double meridien, double a, double e, double eps)
private static LambertPoint cartesianToGeographic(LambertPoint org, double meridien, double a, double e, double eps) {
double x = org.getX(), y = org.getY(), z = org.getZ();

double lon = meridien + atan(y/x);
double lon = meridien + atan(y / x);

double module = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
double module = sqrt(x * x + y * y);

double phi0 = atan(z/(module*(1-(a*e*e)/sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z))));
double phiI = atan(z/module/(1-a*e*e*cos(phi0)/(module * sqrt(1-e*e*sin(phi0)*sin(phi0)))));
double delta= abs(phiI - phi0);
while(delta > eps)
double phi0 = atan(z / (module * (1 - (a * e * e) / sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z))));
double phiI = atan(z / module / (1 - a * e * e * cos(phi0) / (module * sqrt(1 - e * e * sin(phi0) * sin(phi0)))));
double delta = abs(phiI - phi0);
while (delta > eps) {
phi0 = phiI;
phiI = atan(z/module/(1-a*e*e*cos(phi0)/(module * sqrt(1-e*e*sin(phi0)*sin(phi0)))));
delta= abs(phiI - phi0);
phiI = atan(z / module / (1 - a * e * e * cos(phi0) / (module * sqrt(1 - e * e * sin(phi0) * sin(phi0)))));
delta = abs(phiI - phi0);


double he = module/cos(phiI) - a/sqrt(1-e*e*sin(phiI)*sin(phiI));

LambertPoint pt = new LambertPoint(lon,phiI,he);
double he = module / cos(phiI) - a / sqrt(1 - e * e * sin(phiI) * sin(phiI));

return pt;
return new LambertPoint(lon, phiI, he);

* Convert Lambert -> WGS84

public static LambertPoint convertToWGS84(LambertPoint org, LambertZone zone){
public static LambertPoint convertToWGS84(LambertPoint org, LambertZone zone) {

if(zone == Lambert93)
return lambertToGeographic(org,Lambert93,LON_MERID_IERS,E_WGS84,DEFAULT_EPS);
else {
LambertPoint pt1 = lambertToGeographic(org, zone, LON_MERID_PARIS, E_CLARK_IGN, DEFAULT_EPS);
if (zone == Lambert93) {
return lambertToGeographic(org, Lambert93, LON_MERID_IERS, E_WGS84, DEFAULT_EPS);
} else {
LambertPoint pt1 = lambertToGeographic(org, zone, LON_MERID_PARIS, E_CLARK_IGN, DEFAULT_EPS);

LambertPoint pt2 = geographicToCartesian(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY(), pt1.getZ(), A_CLARK_IGN, E_CLARK_IGN);

pt2.translate(-168, -60, 320);

//WGS84 refers to greenwich
return cartesianToGeographic(pt2, LON_MERID_GREENWICH, A_WGS84, E_WGS84, DEFAULT_EPS);

public static LambertPoint convertToWGS84(double x, double y, LambertZone zone){
* Convert WGS84 -> Lambert

public static LambertPoint convertToLambert(double latitude, double longitude, LambertZone zone) throws NotImplementedException {

if (zone == Lambert93) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
} else {
LambertPoint pt1 = geographicToCartesian(longitude - LON_MERID_GREENWICH, latitude, 0, A_WGS84, E_WGS84);

pt1.translate(168, 60, -320);

LambertPoint pt2 = cartesianToGeographic(pt1, LON_MERID_PARIS, A_WGS84, E_WGS84, DEFAULT_EPS);

return geographicToLambert(pt2.getY(), pt2.getX(), zone, LON_MERID_PARIS, E_WGS84);

Method not really usefull, just to have two ways of doing the same conversion.
public static LambertPoint convertToLambertByAlg003(double latitude, double longitude, LambertZone zone) throws NotImplementedException {

if (zone == Lambert93) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
} else {
LambertPoint pt1 = geographicToCartesian(longitude - LON_MERID_GREENWICH, latitude, 0, A_WGS84, E_WGS84);

pt1.translate(168, 60, -320);

LambertPoint pt2 = cartesianToGeographic(pt1, LON_MERID_PARIS, A_WGS84, E_WGS84, DEFAULT_EPS);

return geographicToLambertAlg003(pt2.getY(), pt2.getX(), zone, LON_MERID_PARIS, E_WGS84);

public static LambertPoint convertToWGS84(double x, double y, LambertZone zone) {

LambertPoint pt = new LambertPoint(x,y,0);
LambertPoint pt = new LambertPoint(x, y, 0);
return convertToWGS84(pt, zone);

public static LambertPoint convertToWGS84Deg(double x, double y, LambertZone zone){
public static LambertPoint convertToWGS84Deg(double x, double y, LambertZone zone) {

LambertPoint pt = new LambertPoint(x,y,0);
LambertPoint pt = new LambertPoint(x, y, 0);
return convertToWGS84(pt, zone).toDegree();

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