📋 A curated list about Flux's architecture and its implementations.
Motivation was born while I was writing my bachelor's thesis and couldn't find one place with all contents about Flux, its principles, the differences between MVC, implementations and others. So I decided to create this list to share my studies and resources that I found while working on my thesis (the document are avaiable in PT-BR here only PT-BR).
- Official Resources
- Flux Architecture
- MV* Architectures
- Flux Implementations
- Redux
- MobX
- Talks
- Contribute
- A cartoon guide to Flux, by Lin Clark
- React and Flux: Building Applications with a Unidirectional Data Flow
- The Case for Flux
- Evolving Yahoo Mail
- Unidirectional Data Flow? Yes. Flux? I Am Not So Sure
- Hot reloading and time travel debugging: what are they?, by Lin Clark
- Flux: the React.js Application Architecture — A Comprehensive Study
- MVVM / MVC is dead? Is Unidirectional a MVVM / MVC Killer?
- Model-View-Presenter
- Model-View-ViewModel
- O que é MVP e MVVM?
- Model-View-Controller, by Rodrigo Rebouças de Almeida
- What is MVC, really?
- What is the difference between MVC and the usual 3-tier architecture and why do developers say the MVC architecture is better?
- Understanding Model-View-Controller, by Stefano Borini
- Ember.js - Client Side MVC Is Not Server Side MVC, Erase Your Brain
- History of MVC, by Trygver (The MVC Creator)
- Awesome Redux, by @xgrommx
- Awesome Redux, by @brillout
- Why use Redux over Facebook Flux?
- Redux Explained in 30s
- The difference between Flux and Redux
- Ten minute introduction to MobX and React
- Becoming fully reactive: an in-depth explanation of MobX
- Awesome MobX
- Flux and React - Building Applications with a Unidirectional Data Flow, by Bill Fisher
- Os Estados do Flux (PT-BR), by Yan Magalhães Video
- Flux, Redux ... O que houve com o MVC? (PT-BR), by Yan Magalhães Video
Everyone can help. Send your links and suggestions through an issue, or by a PR.