The script works with load/displacement/time data from Hysitron PI, which is exported to a txt file. The load/displacement is plotted and combined with the video recording.
- gnuplot
- ffmpeg
- bash
The gnuplot script should be located in ~/bin/ folder. [-h|--help] [-t|--title <"string">] [-s|--step <number>] [-l|--load <"path">]
[-v|--video <"path">] [--verbose] [--merge] [--skip_plot] [--force] input_file
-h|--help: Show help
-t|--title: Set plot title. Default: input_file
-s|--step: Set number of plot points added per video frame. Default: 100
--delay: Relative delay of the load-displacement data to video, in seconds. Default: 0
-l|--load: Set gnuplot file to preload
-v|--video: Set video file name. Default: input_file_name.mp4
--script: Path to the gnuplot script. Default: ~/bin/video-graph.gnuplot
--verbose: Show the last generated plot
--debug: Show debug info
--merge: Only merge videos. Do not generate images
--skip_plot: Skip plot generation
--force: overwrite video files without asking
--nomini: do not plot mini graph
--noreddot: do not plot red dot at the last point of the graph
input_file: plain text data file, first two columns will be plotted,
third column is used as a time to align with video