NeuroEvolution โ evolving Artificial Neural Networks topology from the scratch
Branch | Tests | Coverage | Linting | Code Security |
master |
This repository provides implementation of NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) method written in Go language.
The NeuroEvolution (NE) is an artificial evolution of Neural Networks (NN) using genetic algorithms to find optimal NN parameters and network topology. NeuroEvolution of NN may assume a search for optimal weights of connections between NN nodes and search for the optimal topology of the resulting network graph. The NEAT method implemented in this work searches for optimal connection weights and the network graph topology for a given task (number of NN nodes per layer and their interconnections).
Requirement | Notes |
Go version | Go1.18 or higher |
Please do not depend on master as your production branch. Use releases instead.
You can evaluate the NEAT algorithm performance by running the following command:
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run executor.go -out ./out/xor -context ./data/xor.neat -genome ./data/xorstartgenes -experiment XOR
make run-xor
The command above will run the XOR problem solver experiment and save the collected data samples. You can use saved experimental data for analysis using standard plotting libraries as in the figure below.
The figure was created using Matplotlib. You can find more details in the Jupyter notebook.
You can find the algorithm performance evaluation and related documentation in the project's wiki
The goNEAT library saves results of the experiments using Numpy NPZ format, which allows analysis of collected experimental data samples using a variety of readily available Python libraries.
For your reference, we included Jupyter notebook with an example of the collected experimental data analysis, which can be used as a starter kit to analyze data samples acquired from your experiments.
Make sure you have at least GO 1.15.x installed onto your system and execute the following command:
go get
For new projects, consider using the v2 of the library with the following import:
import ""
The genetics
package provides the genetic part of the NEAT algorithm describing all the machinery related to
genome mutations, mating, and speciation of the population of organisms.
It contains implementation of all important types related to the NEAT algorithm:
type in this system specifies a "Connection Gene."MIMOControlGene
type is the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) control Gene which allows creation of modular genomesGenome
type is the primary source of genotype information used to create a phenotype.Organism
type is Genotypes (Genomes) and Phenotypes (Networks) combined with fitness information, i.e. the genotype and phenotype together.Population
type is a group of Organisms including their SpeciesSpecies
type is a group of similar Organisms. Reproduction takes place mostly within a single species, so that compatible organisms can mate.
Additionally, it contains variety of utility functions to serialise/deserialize specified above types using two supported data formats:
- plain text
The current implementation supports sequential and parallel execution of evolution epoch which controlled by related parameter in the NEAT context options.
Package math
defines standard mathematical primitives used by the NEAT algorithm as well as utility functions
Package network
provides data structures and utilities to describe Artificial Neural Network and network solvers.
The most important types are:
type defines the node of the network and is a part of organism's genotype as well as phenotypeLink
type is a connection from one node to another with an associated weight.Network
type is a collection of all nodes within an organism's phenotype, which effectively defines Neural Network topology.Solver
type defines network solver interface, which allows propagation of the activation waves through the underlying network graph.
The current implementation supports two types of network solvers:
is the network solver implementation to be used for large neural networks simulation.- Standard Network Solver implemented by the
The topology of the Neural Network represented by the Network
fully supports the directed graph presentation as defined
by Gonum graph package. This feature can be used for analysis of the network
topology as well as encoding the graph in variety of popular graph presentation formats.
Package experiment
defines standard evolutionary epochs evaluators and experimental data samples collectors. It provides
standardised approach to define experiments using the NEAT algorithm implementation.
The most important type here is:
is the interface to be implemented by custom experiments
You can find examples of GenerationEvaluator
implementations at examples:
The following code snippet demonstrates how to run experiments using different implementations of the GenerationEvaluator
and the experiment.Execute
// create experiment
expt := experiment.Experiment{
Id: 0,
Trials: make(experiment.Trials, neatOptions.NumRuns),
RandSeed: seed,
var generationEvaluator experiment.GenerationEvaluator
switch *experimentName {
case "XOR":
exp.MaxFitnessScore = 16.0 // as given by fitness function definition
generationEvaluator = xor.NewXORGenerationEvaluator(outDir)
case "cart_pole":
exp.MaxFitnessScore = 1.0 // as given by fitness function definition
generationEvaluator = pole.NewCartPoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir, true, 1500000)
case "cart_pole_parallel":
exp.MaxFitnessScore = 1.0 // as given by fitness function definition
generationEvaluator = pole.NewCartPoleParallelGenerationEvaluator(outDir, true, 1500000)
case "cart_2pole_markov":
exp.MaxFitnessScore = 1.0 // as given by fitness function definition
generationEvaluator = pole2.NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir, true, pole2.ContinuousAction)
case "cart_2pole_non-markov":
generationEvaluator = pole2.NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir, false, pole2.ContinuousAction)
case "cart_2pole_markov_parallel":
exp.MaxFitnessScore = 1.0 // as given by fitness function definition
generationEvaluator = pole2.NewCartDoublePoleParallelGenerationEvaluator(outDir, true, pole2.ContinuousAction)
log.Fatalf("Unsupported experiment: %s", *experimentName)
// prepare to execute
errChan := make(chan error)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// run experiment in the separate GO routine
go func() {
if err = expt.Execute(neat.NewContext(ctx, neatOptions), startGenome, generationEvaluator, nil); err != nil {
errChan <- err
} else {
errChan <- nil
For more details, take a look at the experiment executor implementation provided with the goNEAT library.
Package neat
is an entry point to the NEAT algorithm. It defines the NEAT execution context and configuration
You can find all available configuration options in the Options
The configuration options can be saved either using plain text or the YAML format. We recommend using the YAML format for new projects because it allows for a more flexible setup and detailed documentation of the configuration parameters.
Take a look at the example configuration file to get a better understanding.
The NEAT context options can be read as follows:
// Loading YAML options
optFile, err := os.Open("./data/xor_test.neat.yml")
if err != nil {
return err
options, err := neat.LoadYAMLOptions(optFile)
Or with plain-text format:
// Loading plain-text options
optFile, err := os.Open("./data/xor_test.neat")
if err != nil {
return err
options, err := neat.LoadNeatOptions(optFile)
The formats
package provides support for various network graph serialization formats which can be used to visualize the graph with help of well-known tools. Currently, we have support for DOT and CytoscapeJS data formats.
Another important data format supported by the library is the CytoscapeJS JSON
. The Network
graph serialized into this format can be easily rendered using either Cytoscape App or the corresponding CytoscapeJS JavaScript library.
The following code snippet demonstrates how this can be done:
import (
allNodes := []*network.NNode{
network.NewNNode(1, network.InputNeuron),
network.NewNNode(2, network.InputNeuron),
network.NewNNode(3, network.BiasNeuron),
network.NewNNode(4, network.HiddenNeuron),
network.NewNNode(5, network.HiddenNeuron),
network.NewNNode(6, network.HiddenNeuron),
network.NewNNode(7, network.OutputNeuron),
network.NewNNode(8, network.OutputNeuron),
allNodes[3].connectFrom(allNodes[0], 15.0)
allNodes[3].connectFrom(allNodes[1], 10.0)
allNodes[4].connectFrom(allNodes[1], 5.0)
allNodes[4].connectFrom(allNodes[2], 1.0)
allNodes[5].connectFrom(allNodes[4], 17.0)
allNodes[6].connectFrom(allNodes[3], 7.0)
allNodes[6].connectFrom(allNodes[5], 4.5)
allNodes[7].connectFrom(allNodes[5], 13.0)
net := network.NewNetwork(allNodes[0:3], allNodes[6:8], allNodes, 0)
b := bytes.NewBufferString("")
err := formats.WriteCytoscapeJSON(b, net)
The produced output looks like the following:
"elements": {
"nodes": [
"data": {
"activation_function": "SigmoidSteepenedActivation",
"activation_value": 0,
"background-color": "#339FDC",
"border-color": "#CCCCCC",
"control_node": false,
"id": "1",
"in_connections_count": 0,
"neuron_type": "INPT",
"node_type": "SENSOR",
"out_connections_count": 1,
"parent": "",
"shape": "diamond"
"selectable": true
"data": {
"activation_function": "SigmoidSteepenedActivation",
"activation_value": 0,
"background-color": "#339FDC",
"border-color": "#CCCCCC",
"control_node": false,
"id": "2",
"in_connections_count": 0,
"neuron_type": "INPT",
"node_type": "SENSOR",
"out_connections_count": 2,
"parent": "",
"shape": "diamond"
"selectable": true
"data": {
"activation_function": "SigmoidSteepenedActivation",
"activation_value": 0,
"background-color": "#FFCC33",
"border-color": "#CCCCCC",
"control_node": false,
"id": "3",
"in_connections_count": 0,
"neuron_type": "BIAS",
"node_type": "SENSOR",
"out_connections_count": 1,
"parent": "",
"shape": "pentagon"
"selectable": true
"data": {
"activation_function": "SigmoidSteepenedActivation",
"activation_value": 0,
"background-color": "#009999",
"border-color": "#CCCCCC",
"control_node": false,
"id": "4",
"in_connections_count": 2,
"neuron_type": "HIDN",
"node_type": "NEURON",
"out_connections_count": 1,
"parent": "",
"shape": "hexagon"
"selectable": true
"data": {
"activation_function": "SigmoidSteepenedActivation",
"activation_value": 0,
"background-color": "#009999",
"border-color": "#CCCCCC",
"control_node": false,
"id": "5",
"in_connections_count": 2,
"neuron_type": "HIDN",
"node_type": "NEURON",
"out_connections_count": 1,
"parent": "",
"shape": "hexagon"
"selectable": true
"data": {
"activation_function": "SigmoidSteepenedActivation",
"activation_value": 0,
"background-color": "#009999",
"border-color": "#CCCCCC",
"control_node": false,
"id": "6",
"in_connections_count": 1,
"neuron_type": "HIDN",
"node_type": "NEURON",
"out_connections_count": 2,
"parent": "",
"shape": "hexagon"
"selectable": true
"data": {
"activation_function": "SigmoidSteepenedActivation",
"activation_value": 0,
"background-color": "#E7298A",
"border-color": "#CCCCCC",
"control_node": false,
"id": "7",
"in_connections_count": 2,
"neuron_type": "OUTP",
"node_type": "NEURON",
"out_connections_count": 0,
"parent": "",
"shape": "round-rectangle"
"selectable": true
"data": {
"activation_function": "SigmoidSteepenedActivation",
"activation_value": 0,
"background-color": "#E7298A",
"border-color": "#CCCCCC",
"control_node": false,
"id": "8",
"in_connections_count": 1,
"neuron_type": "OUTP",
"node_type": "NEURON",
"out_connections_count": 0,
"parent": "",
"shape": "round-rectangle"
"selectable": true
"edges": [
"data": {
"id": "1-4",
"recurrent": false,
"source": "1",
"target": "4",
"time_delayed": false,
"weight": 15
"selectable": true
"data": {
"id": "2-4",
"recurrent": false,
"source": "2",
"target": "4",
"time_delayed": false,
"weight": 10
"selectable": true
"data": {
"id": "2-5",
"recurrent": false,
"source": "2",
"target": "5",
"time_delayed": false,
"weight": 5
"selectable": true
"data": {
"id": "3-5",
"recurrent": false,
"source": "3",
"target": "5",
"time_delayed": false,
"weight": 1
"selectable": true
"data": {
"id": "5-6",
"recurrent": false,
"source": "5",
"target": "6",
"time_delayed": false,
"weight": 17
"selectable": true
"data": {
"id": "4-7",
"recurrent": false,
"source": "4",
"target": "7",
"time_delayed": false,
"weight": 7
"selectable": true
"data": {
"id": "6-7",
"recurrent": false,
"source": "6",
"target": "7",
"time_delayed": false,
"weight": 4.5
"selectable": true
"data": {
"id": "6-8",
"recurrent": false,
"source": "6",
"target": "8",
"time_delayed": false,
"weight": 13
"selectable": true
"layout": {
"name": "circle"
"style": [
"selector": "node",
"style": {
"background-color": "data(background-color)",
"border-color": "data(border-color)",
"border-width": 3,
"label": "data(id)",
"shape": "data(shape)"
"selector": "edge",
"style": {
"curve-style": "bezier",
"line-color": "#CCCCCC",
"target-arrow-color": "#CCCCCC",
"target-arrow-shape": "triangle-backcurve",
"width": 5
The above CYJS can be visualized as following with Cytoscape App.
You can find more interesting visualizations at project's Wiki.
The Network
can be serialized into popular GraphViz DOT
format. The following code snippet demonstrates how this can be done:
import (
allNodes := []*network.NNode{
network.NewNNode(1, network.InputNeuron),
network.NewNNode(2, network.InputNeuron),
network.NewNNode(3, network.BiasNeuron),
network.NewNNode(4, network.HiddenNeuron),
network.NewNNode(5, network.HiddenNeuron),
network.NewNNode(6, network.HiddenNeuron),
network.NewNNode(7, network.OutputNeuron),
network.NewNNode(8, network.OutputNeuron),
allNodes[3].connectFrom(allNodes[0], 15.0)
allNodes[3].connectFrom(allNodes[1], 10.0)
allNodes[4].connectFrom(allNodes[1], 5.0)
allNodes[4].connectFrom(allNodes[2], 1.0)
allNodes[5].connectFrom(allNodes[4], 17.0)
allNodes[6].connectFrom(allNodes[3], 7.0)
allNodes[6].connectFrom(allNodes[5], 4.5)
allNodes[7].connectFrom(allNodes[5], 13.0)
net := network.NewNetwork(allNodes[0:3], allNodes[6:8], allNodes, 0)
net.Name = "TestNN"
b := bytes.NewBufferString("")
err := formats.WriteDOT(b, net)
The DOT output can be saved into the file for subsequent visualization by variety of tools listed at GraphViz Downloads.
The experiments described in this work confirm that introduced NEAT algorithm implementation can evolve new structures in the Artificial Neural Networks (XOR experiments) and can solve reinforcement learning tasks under conditions of incomplete knowledge (single-pole balancing and double-pole balancing).
We hope that you will find great applications in your research and work projects for the provided NEAT algorithm's implementation as well as utilities to run experiments while collecting relevant data samples.
- Learning to play Asteroids in Golang with NEAT - interesting article about implementation of the intelligent agent to play classic Asteroid game using the NEAT algorithm.
- NEAT with Novelty Search - implementation of the Novelty Search optimization algorithm for solution search in the deceptive environments.
- Evolvable-Substrate HyperNEAT - is hypercube-based extension of the NEAT allowing to encode ANNs in the substrate with specific geometric topology and with significant number of neural units.
- The original C++ NEAT implementation created by Kenneth Stanley, see: NEAT
- Other NEAT implementations may be found at NEAT Software Catalog
- Iaroslav Omelianenko, NeuroEvolution โ evolving Artificial Neural Networks topology from the scratch, Medium, 2018
- Kenneth O. Stanley, Ph.D. Dissertation: Efficient Evolution of Neural Networks through Complexification, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Technical Report~AI-TR-04โ39, August 2004
- Hands-On NeuroEvolution with Python, Build high-performing artificial neural network architectures using neuroevolution-based algorithms, Iaroslav Omelianenko, Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2019
If you find our work useful, please consider citing:
author = {Omelianenko, Iaroslav},
title = {The GoLang implementation of NeuroEvolution of
Augmented Topologies (NEAT) algorithm},
month = {9},
year = {2024},
note = {If you use this software, please cite it as below.},
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {v4.2.0},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.8178788},
url = {}
This source code maintained and managed by Iaroslav Omelianenko