- This project aims to create Getir's Landing Page with Material UI.
📌 Props and State Logic
📌 Js iteration methods
📌 Conditional Rendering
📌 React Flag Select
📌 React Hooks
📌 3rd Part Libraries ( Toastify, Axios )
📌 Helmet for SEO optimization
📌 Material Ui (Slider,AppBar etc)
📌 React Bootstrap
📌 Deployment with Vercel and Netlify
<meta itemprop="description" content="Getir Landing Page with React.js and MUI">
<meta itemprop="image" content="image address here">
- Hold a state selected country,
- create an object as key use its abbreviation and as value its code
const [selected, setSelected] = useState("TR");
const phones = {
US: "+1", CL: "+56", CO: "+57", AR: "+54", MX: "+52",
IN: "+91", IT: "+39", ES: "+34", FR: "+33", BR: "+55"
TR: "+90", CA: "+1", CN: "+86", RU: "+7"
//! burada bayrakları getirdi object.keys in içine objeyi at.
placeholder="Select Language"
onSelect={(code) => setSelected(code)}
//* burada seçilen bayrağı set ediyor.
className ="p-2"