A forex aggregator is like Trivago for Forex. It shows you information about all the different forex providers and their conversion rates. Flutter has been used for developing this cross platform application and Nodejs has was used to create custom API which are hosted on Heroku.
For predicting future conversion rates a combination of ARIMA and RNN has been used.
- Category winners sorted according to factors like price, rating etc. with sort/filter option on the factors like price, ratings,etc.
- Top gaining and losing conversion among multiple currency.
- Best and worst forex rates in last 5 and 10 days.
- Graph to analyze previous rates for a day, week.
- Our prediction for future conversion rates.
- Chat Support for Assistance (chatbot)
- Multi-currency conversion support
- Yash Agarwal
- Onkar Bendre
- Sanket Gattani
- Rushikesh Tapadiya
A few resources for Flutter:
For help getting started with Flutter, view online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.