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In this project, I performed experiments on artificial neural network (ANN) training and drew conclusions from the experimental results. I implemented and trained multi layer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural network (CNN) classifiers on CIFAR-10 dataset.


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In this project, I performed experiments on artificial neural network (ANN) training and drew conclusions from the experimental results. I implemented and trained multi layer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural network (CNN) classifiers on CIFAR-10 dataset.

Part2. Implementing a Convolutional Layer with NumPy

2.1. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely used at the center of deep learning algorithms. The previous networks, called traditional neural networks, are less effective than CNNs because of their input shape restrictions. In order to use these traditional neural networks, the input size should be a constant number. In addition, traditional neural networks have many parameters to be trained. As the number of parameters increases, the effectiveness of the network decreases. So, it is hard to train a traditional neural network.

On the other hand, CNNs have a better approach to these problems. It is not restricted to using a fixed input shape while using CNNs. In other words, the shape of the input can be arbitrary. Furthermore, the number of parameters in the CNNs is decreased. That’s why it is easier to train a CNN when compared to a traditional neural network.

Especially for computer vision and image processing tasks, CNNs are used a lot. The main reason is that CNNs can extract features from the input. These features are edges, corners, patterns, and textures. Object detection, segmentation, and image classification operations can be done effectively using these feature extraction abilities. To conclude, using CNNs in image processing tasks is important since CNNs can extract features from inputs efficiently.

2.2. Kernels are filters that can extract features from the input image. A kernel is a matrix in which the weights are involved. Generally, the kernel size is chosen to be smaller than the input size in order to extract local features from the input. The kernel is convolved with the input image and gives an output smaller than the input image. The stride value specifies the movement of the kernel. For example, ifthe stride is selected as 1, then the kernel, or filter, moves one by one through the input matrix, and each movement kernel is performed a dot product operation with the input matrix. By doing so, high�level features such as patterns, edges, and corners can be extracted from the input.

The sizes of a kernel depend on the application. For example, a smaller kernel should be used to extract local features from the input. On the other hand, to extract larger features, a larger kernel can be used. The size of the kernel consists of two parameters, namely kernel height and kernel width. Kernel height is the number of rows in the kernel, and the kernel width is the number of columns in the kernel. Generally, kernels are chosen as a square matrix, but it is not mandatory. Rectangular kernels can be used as well.

2.3. After the convolutional layer, an output image is generated. This image has 5 rows and 8 columns. Each row corresponds to the same number class, and each column corresponds to a different kernel. The convolutional layer tried to extract features from the given input, and this resulted in 8 different channels for each number. But as it can be seen from the image, the pattern of the number is not understood yet to decide which number class is detected. That’s why the convolutional layer itself is not sufficient. According to different kernels, different outputs are obtained. It can be concluded that outputs of the same kernel looks like each other, and outputs of different kernels are different from each other.

2.4. The convolutional layer consists of eight 4x4 kernels. Each kernel has its own weights. So, after the convolution operation, output of the convolutional layer will give us 8 different images or matrices which are called channels. In the output image, rows correspond to different batches and columns corresponds to different kernels. When we examine the same column, almost all of the number in a column are similar to each other. The main reason of this similarity comes from the same kernel is applied to all of these numbers. Even though they are different numbers, the output channel looks likesimilar. In other words, kernel weights are important fact that affect the output of the convolutional layer. Output channels of the same kernel can look like to each other.

2.5. As it was stated in the previous question, the convolutional layer consists of eight 4x4 kernels, and each row corresponds to the same number class, but the output channels are not similar. The main reason of this issue is that different kernels have different weights, and the input weights are the same for the same row. So, for each convolution operation gives different output. For the same number, different kernels are applied. Even though the number does not change, the output channel looks different than the others.

2.6. For feature extraction, using convolutional layers are important but using only one type of kernel will give us wrong intuitions about the input image. That’s why using more kernels with different weight could be better approach to extract patterns from the input images. Also, by using only one convolutional layer is not sufficient. Using more than one convolutional layer could give better results. Furthermore, after examining the output image, it can be understood that using only one convolutional layer cannot extract complex patterns and high-level features. This type of networks can be described as shallow networks and to make feature extraction of these networks better, deeper neural networks can be used. Deep neural networks can be created by using multiple convolutional layers that are stacked top on each other. In this way, more complex features can be extracted.

Part3. Experimenting ANN Architectures

Case 1: Multi Layer Perceptron 1 (Mlp1)

Case 2: Multi Layer Perceptron 2 (Mlp2)

Case 3: Convolutional Neural Network 3 (CNN3)

Case 4: Convolutional Neural Network 4 (CNN4)

Case 5: Convolutional Neural Network 5 (CNN5)

Q1. A classifier's generalization performance measures how effectively a classifier can correctly categorize new data that wasn't used during the training phase. In other words, it evaluates how well the classifier can apply the data it discovered from the training set to new, unexplored data. A classifier with strong generalization performance may correctly categorize new data, even when different from the training data. On the other hand, the classifier may overfit the training data and perform poorly on new data if it has poor generalization performance. Several metrics can be used to assess a classifier's generalization ability, including accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC). These metrics can be used to compare several classifiers' performance and ascertain how well the classifier works on new data.

Q2. The validation vs. training accuracy plot can give a better approach to inspect the generalization performance of the models since the training accuracy of the model most of the time increases, but the validation accuracy does not. The main reason for this issue is that the model starts to overfit the training data, especially for a high number of epochs and many runs that make the model overfit the data. That's why even though the model's training accuracy increases, the model's validation accuracy decreases. In addition to the validation accuracy vs. training accuracy plot, other types of plots can be used to inspect the model's generalization performance. These methods include Confusion Matrix, Prevision-Recall Curve, ROC Curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic), and Learning Curve. Still, in our case, we plotted the validation accuracy vs. training accuracy, training loss, and best test performance curves.

Q3. The generalization performance of the architectures can be compared by inspecting the validation accuracy vs. training accuracy plots. As we examine these plots, we can see that the multilayer perceptron architectures do not show a good generalization performance. Both mlp1 and mlp2 architectures have shown similar validation accuracy vs. training accuracy plots. In both cases, the training accuracy of the architectures increases. The training accuracies of the architectures started from 42 levels and rose to 52 levels. On the other hand, the validation accuracies of the architectures remained at almost the same level, which is 38. Furthermore, as the training number increases, the validation accuracy of the architectures starts to decrease after a certain point which shows that these two architectures, mlp1, and mlp2 are not good at generalization. They overfit the data, and even though their training accuracies increased and their training losses decreased, the validation accuracies of these architectures show that they did not learn the pattern of the data correctly.

Regarding the CNN architectures, cnn_3, cnn_4, and cnn_5 architectures showed similar performances in terms of generalization. When I examine the training losses of these CNN architectures, the training loss of these architectures tends to decrease in time. If we increase the number of runs, some of the architectures will give a better performance. In addition to the training losses, the validation accuracy vs. training accuracy plots shows that all of these CNN architectures are good at generalization. The cnn_3 architecture had 58 training accuracy and 54.5 validation accuracy at the beginning of the training. Still, after the training finished, the training accuracy of the cnn_3 architecture was 67, and the validation accuracy of the model was 57, which indicates that the model learned the pattern of the data and increased the accuracy of the model.

Moreover, the cnn_4 architecture showed a similar training loss curve and validation accuracy vs. training accuracy curve with a slight difference. In this architecture, after step 4, the validation accuracy of the model has not improved much, which shows that model started to overfit the data. The generalization of the architecture is about to be decreased since the training accuracy of the architecture tends to increase in time, but the validation accuracy did not. Lastly, the cnn_5 architecture showed one of the best generalization performances among the other architectures. The main reason for this conclusion is that the validation accuracy vs. training accuracy plot has a similar shape. In other words, as the training accuracy increases, the validation accuracy increases too, which makes the model prone to different data types since it has a better generalization performance.

Q4. The quantity of learnable weights that a machine learning model must modify during training is the number of parameters in the model. Generally speaking, a model with more parameters can represent more complicated functions, resulting in greater performance on the training set of data. This may or may not lead to improved generalization performance on unknown data.

In reality, overfitting, where the model is too closely adapted to the training data and performs poorly on new, unforeseen data, can result from having too many parameters. This is due to the possibility that the model is catching noise or peculiarities in the training data that do not transfer to new data. This is especially problematic when there are many more parameters than training data. When we examine the architectures, the cnn_5 architecture was one of the best-performing models. One of the main reasons for this result is that there are several more parameters in this architecture, and in this way, it can learn the pattern better.

On the other hand, if more than the number of parameters in an architecture is needed, the architecture can show wrong classification and generalization performances. So, the optimum number of parameters should be selected to train the model with good classification and generalization performances.

Q5. The number of layers in a machine learning model architecture is called the model's depth. In general, but only sometimes, a deeper architecture can improve performance on both the training and test data.

A deeper architecture has the benefit of being able to capture more abstract and complicated properties, which can be helpful when learning hierarchical representations of the data. As a result, the model can develop its ability to distinguish between classes, resulting in improved performance on the training data.

Deeper designs, however, may also be harder to train and may experience disappearing or bursting gradients. These problems may make it difficult for the model to pick up helpful information and result in subpar performance. Deeper architectures may also be more prone to overfitting, mainly if the model is overly complicated compared to the amount of training data.

Techniques like residual or skip connections can be used to reduce vanishing or exploding gradients, and regularization techniques can be used to avoid overfitting to address these problems.

Q6. When I examine the visualizations of the weights, the mlp1 and mlp2 architectures have shown a different weight visualization, and the CNN architectures have shown another weight visualization. The main difference between these two architecture types is the Max-Pooling layer since the size of the matrix decreases because of the Max-Pooling layer, and the output is not interpretable. On the other hand, the weight visualizations of the mlp1 and mlp2 architectures have shown patterns.

If I examine these visualizations, the architectures tend to learn the curved figures and some straight lines. Especially in the visualizations of the mlp2 architecture, the curves are more precise, and the learning of the pattern can be seen easily. Regarding the CNN architectures, it is hard to comment on the weight visualizations since the outputs are just 3x3 matrices with white, gray, and black boxes. I tried to comment on these visualizations, but the patterns that the CNN architectures learned are not easily interpretable.

Q7. The mlp1 and mlp2 architectures are specialized to detect the classes that have more curved features, namely automobiles, cats, and dogs. It can be concluded from their weight visualizations that they have extracted more curved patterns, and the edges of the objects can be seen clearly. When it comes to CNN architectures, these models are more generalized architectures, and they are better at finding the patterns of the objects in the given input dataset. The hard part is to interpret the weight visualizations.

Q8. The weights of the mlp1 and mlp2 architectures are more interpretable since their curved and straight-line patterns are easily seen from their weight visualizations. On the other hand, CNN architectures are hard to comment on.

Q9. The multilayer perceptron models, mlp1 and mlp2, have completely connected layers. However, mlp2 has a deeper design than mlp1 because it has a second hidden layer. Both models have a linear output layer without a bias term and ReLU activation functions between layers. In terms of completely connected layers and ReLU activation functions, mlp2 is similar to mlp1, but it has a more intricate architecture and an additional hidden layer. One hidden layer makes for the simpler architecture known as mlp1.

Three convolutional layers are followed by three fully connected layers in the convolutional neural network known as the cnn_3. In order to extract features from the input image, each convolutional layer applies a set of learnable filters. These features are then passed via non-linear activation functions, such as ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit), in order to incorporate non-linearity into the model. Following flattening, the output of the last convolutional layer is passed into the fully connected layers, which carry out the classification process.

Similar to the cnn_3, the cnn_4 has a fourth convolutional layer, making it a four-layer CNN. The additional convolutional layer enables the network to learn more intricate information from the input image, potentially enhancing its accuracy in classifying images.

In terms of their structures, cnn3, cnn4, and cnn5 are all similar in that they use convolutional layers to extract features from the input image, followed by fully connected layers to perform classification. However, cnn4 and cnn5 are more complex than cnn3, with additional convolutional layers that allow them to learn more complex features. Additionally, cnn5 has an additional max�pooling layer that helps it to learn translation-invariant features.

Similar to the cnn_4, the cnn_5 is a five-layer CNN, but it adds a convolutional layer before a max-pooling layer. The max-pooling layer shrinks the input image's spatial size and aids in the network's learning of translation-invariant features, which can increase the network's resistance to changes in the input image.

In terms of their structural similarities, CNNs cnn_3, cnn_4, and cnn_5 all use convolutional layers to extract features from the input image before performing classification using fully connected layers. In contrast, CNNs cnn_4 and cnn_5 are more sophisticated than cnn_3 and can learn more intricate characteristics since they have more convolutional layers. A further max-pooling layer on cnn_5 aids in the learning of translation-invariant features.

The performance of CNN architectures is superior to MLP architectures. One of the main reasons for this is that extracting features and recognizing patterns are more successful than MLP architectures thanks to the convolutional layers and max-pool layers in the architecture. In addition to these, CNN architectures also have performance differences among themselves. Although the cnn_3architecture is a model with high generalization performance, its training and validation accuracy values are not as high as other CNN architectures. This shows that cnn_3 can have a better training score with more training. As for the cnn_4 architecture, although it has higher training accuracy than cnn_3, it did not perform well enough in terms of validation accuracy. Apart from these, the cnn_5 architecture showed a superior result than all other architectures in terms of both training accuracy and validation accuracy. This shows that CNN architectures are better at classification than MLP architectures. Among the CNN architectures, the most successful model is cnn_5.

Q10. I would choose the cnn_5 architecture for the classification task. There are many reasons for this, but first of all, I conclude that the cnn_5 architecture, which has a high training accuracy value, learns the data well. In addition, seeing that the validation accuracy value does not fall behind the training accuracy value shows that the generalization performance of the model is quite good, and it will give good results in different data types. In addition to these, the training loss value of the model is less than all other models, and thanks to this model, which has a very high test accuracy value, I think that I can achieve a good performance even with data that was not included in the training before.

Part4. Experimenting Activation Functions

Q1. The mlp1_sigmoid neural network has a smaller training loss than the mlp1_relu neural network, as can be seen by looking at the training losses. This shows that, at least in terms of reducing the loss function, the mlp1_sigmoid network is able to learn the training data better than the mlp1_relu network.

Next, we can see that the mlp1_relu neural network has greater gradient magnitudes than the mlp1_sigmoid network by comparing the gradient amplitudes. This is not unexpected given that, especially when the input values are big, the ReLU activation function can generate gradients that are more aggressive than those produced by the sigmoid function. The mlp1_sigmoid network, on the other hand, seems to have a more consistent gradient behavior, with lower magnitudes that only marginally rise over training. This could help prevent problems like gradient explosion or disappearance and improve generalization performance on untested data.

In conclusion, the choice of activation function may significantly affect a neural network's training loss and gradient behavior. When it comes to lowering the loss and avoiding gradient problems, sigmoid may do better than ReLU, which can result in greater gradients and possibly quicker learning.

The mlp2_sigmoid network once more has a lower training loss than the mlp2_relu network, as can be seen by looking at the training losses. This shows that, at least in terms of reducing the loss function, the mlp2_sigmoid network is able to learn the training data better than the mlp2_relu network. As opposed to the previous example, the difference in training losses between the two networks is greater here, pointing to a stronger benefit for sigmoid activation.

The mlp2_relu neural network, when compared to the mlp2_sigmoid network, once more has bigger gradient magnitudes, as can be seen by looking at the gradient magnitudes. In contrast to the prior example, the magnitude difference between the two networks is smaller here, suggesting that the ReLU activation function may not be as aggressive in generating gradients. Although the magnitudes of the gradients are smaller and only marginally larger throughout training, the mlp2_sigmoid network nevertheless displays a more consistent gradient behavior.

To conclude, similar to the previous experiment, the results from this one also reveal that the mlp2_sigmoid network performs better in terms of minimizing training loss and displaying a more stable gradient behavior.

Next, we can see that the cnn_3_relu neural network has bigger gradient magnitudes than the cnn_3_sigmoid network by comparing the gradient amplitudes. Although the gradient magnitudes in the cnn_3_sigmoid network are quite tiny, this may indicate that the network is not picking up new information as quickly as the cnn_3_relu network. The relatively small gradients in the cnn_3_Sigmoid network might be slowing down learning, preventing the network from developing as quickly as it could.

In conclusion, this experiment's findings indicate that the cnn_3_sigmoid network performs better than the cnn_3_relu network in minimizing training loss. The cnn_3_sigmoid network's extremely modest gradient magnitudes, however, would suggest that the network is not learning as well as it could.

The cnn_4_relu network has a substantially smaller training loss than the cnn_4_sigmoid network, as can be seen by looking at the training losses. In fact, the cnn_4_sigmoid network's training loss stayed constant during training, which raises the possibility that the network is not learning at all.

Next, we can see that the cnn_4_relu neural network has greater gradient magnitudes compared to the cnn_4_sigmoid network by examining the gradient magnitudes. The cnn_4_sigmoid network's gradient magnitudes are 0, which raises the possibility that the network's parameters aren't changing at all while being trained.

When we examine the training performance of the cnn_5 architecture, it can be obtained that the gradient magnitude of the cnn_5_sigmoid is again zero and the training loss of the cnn_5_sigmoid remained unchanged. It means that the cnn_5_sigmoid architecture is not learning the data.

The vanishing gradient problem is a frequent problem in deep neural networks that can happen when the gradient is very small (or zero) during backpropagation, which has the effect of giving the weights in the network's initial layers very little training data updates. The network's overall performance may suffer as a result of these early layers finding it challenging to acquire useful representations.

The vanishing gradient problem and neural network depth are closely related concepts. The likelihood of running across a vanishing gradient problem rises as a neural network's depth increases. This is because each layer might help to reduce the gradient's amplitude since the gradient is often back propagated via several layers.

In case of cnn_4_relu and cnn_5_relu architectures may have vanishing gradient problems as a result of the rather deep nature of these networks. Although the vanishing gradient issue is generally somewhat reduced by the ReLU activation function employed in these networks, it is still possible for the gradients to become very small in the deeper layers. The cnn_4_sigmoid and cnn_5_sigmoid networks' zero-gradient magnitudes indicate that the sigmoid activation function may be aggravating the vanishing gradient issue in these networks.

Q2. The activation functions used in the network are one of several potential causes of the vanishing gradient problem. The gradients in the backpropagation process can become quite small as they are multiplied by the derivatives of activation functions like sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent since their derivatives are relatively small (between 0 and 1). As a result, as the gradients are back propagated through the layers of the network, they may "vanish" or approach zero, which may make it challenging for the earlier layers to acquire useful representations.

The depth of the network is another aspect that may play a role in the vanishing gradient issue. The issue of small gradients can be made worse as the network depth increases since more layers must be passed through in order to backpropagate the gradients. It's important to remember that deep networks can also experience the reverse issue, known as the expanding gradient problem. The network can diverge during training when the gradients are very steep, which causes the weights in the network to be changed by very large values.

In conclusion, the activation functions' small derivatives and the network's depth together might result in very small gradients as they are backpropagated through the layers, leading to the vanishing gradient problem.

Q3. Gradient scale: Compared to inputs in the [0.0, 1.0] range, inputs in the [0, 255] range can cause backpropagation gradients to grow significantly. Due of the relatively huge gradients that can result in excessively large weight updates and divergence, there may be problems with numerical stability during training.

Initialization of weights: To avoid saturating the activation functions, weights in neural networks are often initialized with low values. If the input values are in the [0, 255] range, the initial weights must be substantially less to account for the higher input values. If we utilize inputs in the range [0, 255], the network may take longer to converge, or it may not converge at all. This is due to the gradients' potential for instability, which can cause them to bounce between very large positive and negative values and prevent the weights from settling into an ideal arrangement.

Before feeding inputs into the neural network, they must first be normalized to the range [0.0, 1.0] if they are in the [0, 255] range. This involves an additional stage of preprocessing and may be computationally expensive.

Part5. Experimenting Learning Rate

Q1. A hyperparameter called learning rate controls how frequently the model's parameters are changed during training. A higher learning rate often results in faster convergence since larger updates to the parameters can cover more ground in fewer rounds. However, an excessive learning rate can cause the updates to exceed the ideal values, which would eventually create instability and slower convergence.

The convergence speed, on the other hand, can be slowed down by a reduced learning rate because smaller updates to the parameters require more iterations to reach the optimal values. A slower learning rate, meanwhile, can also help the model avoid overshooting and instability.

While using the scheduled learning rate technique, the convergence speed of the model is increased up to 5 times because I also trained the same model with another optimizer called Adam and I obtained almost the same results as it was in the scheduled learning rate method which shows that the learning rate affects the convergence speed of the model. When it is too high, model can easily converge since high learning rate results in high convergence speed.

Q2. The deep learning model's ability to converge to a better point can be significantly influenced by the learning rate. A faster convergence to a better solution is facilitated by a higher learning rate, which enables the model to make larger modifications to the parameters. However, an excessive learning rate can cause the model to exceed the ideal solution, which will eventually create instability and slower convergence.

A reduced learning rate, on the other hand, results in smaller updates to the parameters, which can delay the convergence to a better solution. On the other hand, a slower learning rate can eventually aid the model in avoiding overshooting and converge to a more reliable and ideal result.

In order to ensure that the model converges to a better point, the choice of learning rate is crucial. Using strategies like learning rate schedules or adaptive learning rate methods like Adam or RMSprop, it is frequently utilized to start with a greater learning rate and gradually decrease it over time. With this method, the model is able to make larger updates early in the training process and refine the parameters as it gets closer to a better point of convergence.

Q3. The scheduled learning rate worked well while training the models. The main advantage of using the scheduled learning rate is to obtain high accuracy rates while training the model with smaller epoch. In other words, using scheduled learning rate is an efficient way to train the model. In deep learning the scheduled learning rate technique is used to modify the learning rate while training. The learning rate is a hyperparameter that controls how frequently a neural network's weights are updated. While a low learning rate can make the training process take longer, a high learning rate can cause the model to exceed the ideal weights. The learning rate is changed periodically throughout training by using the scheduled learning rate in order to improve performance.

The ability to avoid the model from becoming stuck in regional minima or plateaus is one benefit of adopting a planned learning rate. The model can explore various areas of the loss surface and discover a better global minimum by reducing the learning rate as training advances. Additionally, by enabling the model to reach the ideal weights more quickly, planned learning rate might hasten the training process. This is due to the fact that first large weight updates are made using a high learning rate, which is then gradually decreased for more precise weight adjustments. A significant method for enhancing the effectiveness and performance of machine learning models is planned learning rate.

Comparison of the Test Results

In part 3, the cnn_3 model is trained 15 epochs and 20 runs. Then, the best test accuracy of the model is obtained as 58.92. Other test accuracies of the model were initially saved when the part 3 was being executed but in part 3, it is asked for us to create a pickle file and store the followings:

  • 'name': string, indicating the user-defined name of the training.
  • 'loss_curve': list of floats, indicating the loss at each step
  • 'train_acc_curve': list of floats, indicating the training accuracy at each step
  • 'val_acc_curve': list of floats indicating the validation accuracy at each step
  • 'test_acc': float, indicating the best test accuracy
  • 'weights': 2-D float array, weights of the first hidden layer of the trained MLP

In none of these above parameters, the test accuracy of all test procedure is saved. Only, the best test accuracy of the model was saved which was clearly stated in part 3. That’s why, only the best test accuracy of the model cnn_3 and the best test accuracy of the model cnn_3_sch_01 is compared. Here are the best test accuracy results of these two models:

  • Best test accuracy of the cnn_3 model: 58.92
  • Best test accuracy of the model cnn_3_sch_01: 58.26

The total difference between the cnn_3 and cnn_3_sch_01 model is about 0.66 which is a negligibly small amount of difference. Especially, when we consider the training duration of these two models, it is obvious that the cnn_3 model was trained almost 7.5 hours. On the other hand, the cnn_3_sch_01 model was trained almost 1.5 hour which is one-fifth of the cnn_3 model. So, the test accuracies of these two models are almost the same but the convergence performance of the model cnn_3_sch_01 is superior the cnn_3 model. It can be concluded that when we use SGD optimizer and use scheduled learning rate to improve performance of the SGD based training, the model will be more efficient than the previous model which was using the Adam optimizer. In other words, to improve the SGD based learning and to reach high accuracies, scheduled learning rate should be applied to the models.


In this project, I performed experiments on artificial neural network (ANN) training and drew conclusions from the experimental results. I implemented and trained multi layer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural network (CNN) classifiers on CIFAR-10 dataset.








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