SeaPig is converter from markdown to html with marked.js and highlight.js.
SeaPig has two panes. Left pane is editor. Right pane is HTML previewer.
When you input markdown, SeaPig refresh HTML preview.
You can use GitHub Flavored Markdown.
SeaPig has tool bar contains one drop down list and eight buttons.
You can select key bindings from drop down list. (default/emacs/vim/sublime)
Eight buttons has feature below.
- New markdown file (Open new window)
- Open markdown file to editor.
- Save markdown file from editor.
- Export HTML file from previewer.(At the same time css stylesheet is copied to same folder.)
- Export PDF file
- Hide editor
- Hide previewer
- Refresh HTML preview
When You write code block as graphviz
language and write dot language, rendering graph image at svg as below.
```graphviz digraph g { a -> b; } ```
When You write code block as uiflow
language and write uiflow language, rendering graph image at svg as below.
```uiflow [top page] user name password -- login ==>mypage [mypage] favorite list ```
```math E=mc^2 ```
More example, test/
When You write code block as mermaid
language and write mermaid language, rendering graph image at svg as below.
```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant main participant renderer participant previewer main->>renderer: Open file renderer->>previewer: Refresh preview ```
$ git clone
$ cd seapig
$ git submodule update -i
$ npm install
$ npm build-dep
$ npm start
$ npm run package:win32
$ ./
- save your favorite keybindings (default/emacs/vim)
- support task list item.
- add viz.js support
- add uiflow support.
- add mermaid support
- add simultaneous scroll
- add original menu
- add new document
- add alternative stylesheet
- control display editor and previewer
- add batch mode
- introduce virtual dom framework (mithril.js)
- Ace - The High Performance Code Editor for the Web
- Electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
- electron-json-storage
- electron-localshortcut
- Github Markdown CSS - for Markdown Editor Preview
- highlight.js
- marked
- MathJax
- mermaid
- mithril
- Node.js
- Photon
- sanitize-html
- viz.js
- uiflow(use forked version)
- いらすとや(application icon)
- jpzukin/electron-sample-print-to-pdf
MIT (excludes photon, node_modules and icons)
Copyright © 2016-2019 Yasumichi Akahoshi
- seapig.icns
- seapig.ico
- seapig.png
Copyright © いらすとや. All Rights Reserved.