AndroidStudio = Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 2
kotlin = 1.8.10
compileSdk = 34
minSdk = 29
targetSdk = 34
jvmTarget = 17
- Yep, 97% lines covered on data layer
- Repository
- DataSources
- PagingSource
- ViewModel
- Kotlin
- Coroutines
- Flow
- StateFlow
- Flow
- Kotlin DSL in build.gradle.kts
- Coroutines
- Testing
- Testing first!
- Almost all classes in the data layer have been covered with tests
- PagingSource, PagingData, Realm and more
- Libs
- Kotlin test
- Kotlin coroutines test
- Mockk
- MockWebServer
- Mock the server response from json
- Paging test
- Testing first!
- Dependency Injection
- Hilt
- Database
- Realm
- Test with Realm
- Realm
- Network
- Retrofit
- Kotlin Serialization
- MVVM architecture
- Single Activity Architecture
- Fragment
- View binding
- RecyclerView
- Paging
- SwipeRefreshLayout
- Image
- Glide
- Jetpack Compose
- (WIP)
- Compose navigation
- Can navigate to Compose or XML View
- (WIP)