The Movie Reservation System is a web application that allows users to manage movie reservations, including signing up, logging in, and making reservations for showtimes. Admins have additional functionalities for managing movies, showtimes, and user roles.
- Signup: New users can create an account.
- Login: Users can log in to access their accounts.
- Role Management: Users can be promoted to admin status, allowing for additional privileges.
- JWT-based Authentication: Secure access to the API using JSON Web Tokens.
- CRUD Operations: Admins can create, read, update, and delete movie entries.
- Fetch Movie Details: Both admins and users can view movie information.
- CRUD Operations: Admins can manage showtimes for movies.
- Fetch Showtimes: Users can view available showtimes for specific movies on given dates.
- Fetch Available Seats: Users can check available seats for a specific showtime.
- Reserve Seats: Users can reserve seats for a showtime.
- View and Cancel Reservations: Users can view their upcoming reservations and cancel them if needed.
- Admin View: Admins can view all reservations, including capacity and revenue statistics.
- Generate Reports: Admins can generate reports on reservations, including total revenue and statistics per movie.
The application provides several API endpoints for the functionalities mentioned above. Below are some key endpoints:
- Signup:
POST /api/signup
- Login:
POST /api/login
- Create Movie:
POST /api/admin/movies
- Add Showtime:
POST /api/admin/showtimes
- Add Reservation:
POST /api/reservations
- Cancel Reservation:
DELETE /api/reservations/{ID}
- Get Available Seats:
GET /api/showtimes/{SHOWTIME_ID}
- Get User Reservations:
GET /api/user/reservations
- Promote User to Admin:
POST /api/admin/users/{USER_ID}/promote
Clone the Repository:
git clone <repository-url>
Install Dependencies:
cd <project-directory> go mod tidy
Run the Application:
go run cmd/main.go
Access the API: Use tools like Postman or cURL to interact with the API endpoints.
This Movie Reservation System provides a comprehensive solution for managing movie reservations, catering to both users and admins. With its robust authentication and management features, it aims to enhance the movie-going experience.