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r3play-client This project contains the front-end part of the R3play back-end for displaying information about movies, anime, and TV series. It is written with React and React Bootstrap.

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This project contains the front-end part of the R3play back-end (here) written with React for displaying information about movies, anime, and TV series.

Technologies Used

  • Javascript/React
  • React Bootstrap
  • SCSS
  • HTML
  • React FontAwesome

Project Dependencies

  • React as a front-end library
  • React Bootstrap for design/responsive design
  • Parcel for the build process
  • React FontAwesome for icons
  • Please see the package.json file for other project dependencies

Views & Features:

All views

  • Ability to set theme (dark or light) (currently in test mode)
  • Ability to click on the back to top button for quick navigation

Main view

If not authorized:

  • Displays login, signup, and theme menu links

If authorized:

  • Displays home, profile, logout, and theme menu links
  • Returns ALL movies, anime, and TV series to the user (each movie, anime, and TV series item with an image, genre, and release year)
  • Shows an image slider with navigation to movie, anime, and TV series views.
  • Displays the user's name in the navigation
  • Filtering the list of movies, anime, and TV series with a "search" feature
  • Ability to select a movie, anime, and TV series for more details
  • Ability to log out
  • Ability to navigate to the Profile view
  • Ability to add a movie, anime, and TV series to favorites/delete them from favorites

Single Movie, Anime, and TV series views

For Movie View

Returns data:
  • Title
  • Description
  • Genre (name and description)
  • Director (name, bio, birth year, death year)
  • Image
  • Release year
  • Rating (IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes Audience rating)
  • Actors list
  • Etc, about a single movie to the user

For Anime and TV-series

Returns data:
  • Title
  • Description
  • Genre (name and description)
  • Director (name, bio, birth year, death year)
  • Image
  • Release year
  • Rating (IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes Audience rating)
  • Actors list
  • Episodes list
  • Etc, for a single Anime and TV series to the user

For Movie, Anime, TV-series views

  • Displays a section with interesting facts (can be collapsed/expanded)
  • Shows a video player with the movie, anime, and TV series Youtube trailer.
  • Ability to return back to the main view (with the list of all movies, anime, and TV series)

Displays recommendations on:

  • Similar movies, anime, and TV series
  • Movies, anime, and TV series by the same director
  • What to watch with the same duration
  • Movies, anime, and TV series where the same actors are playing
  • Movies, anime, and TV series with the same IMDb Rating
  • Movies, anime, and TV series with the same Rotten Tomatoes Audience Rating
  • What to watch of the same genre
  • What to watch of the same release year

Login view

  • Allows users to log in with a username and password
  • Uses user-friendly modal windows to show information
  • Uses input validation

Signup view

  • Allows new users to register (username, password, email, date of birth)
  • Uses user-friendly modals to show information
  • Uses input validation

Profile view

  • Displays user registration details
  • Uses user-friendly modals to show success/failure information
  • Allows users to update their info (username, password, email, date of birth)
  • Displays the favorite movies, anime, and TV series list (can be expanded/collapsed)
  • Has separate counters for favorite movies, anime, and TV series list
  • Allows users to remove a movie, anime, and TV series from their list of favorites
  • Allows existing users to deregister


If authorized:

  • Has the quick navigation buttons to go to the Profile view and Main view

If not authorized:

  • Has the quick navigation buttons to the Login View and Signup View

Project Screenshot

2023-10-04-19h44-50 2023-10-22-16h44-35 2023-10-22-16h47-32

Project In Use Preview

Please click on the video below to watch it

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Live Version

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Clone and Preview

To clone the app use, the following command: console git clone Or download directly by clicking on <> Code button > Download ZIP. Navigate to the r3play-client folder with the cd r3play-client in the terminal, and install the required dependencies using the npm install command. Then run the app with the parcel src/index.html command and access it at localhost:1234 in the browser.


Feel free to contact me via LinkedIn or email or via the contact form on my portfolio


r3play-client This project contains the front-end part of the R3play back-end for displaying information about movies, anime, and TV series. It is written with React and React Bootstrap.







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