to compile a responsive and reliable dataset from the three API with which I would be able to perform an accurate regression model that will show if my relationship hypothesis is correct. As I got into the thick of it , my goals evovlved from broader , aerial goals , to immediate specific goals like figuring out a way to request API from yelp after I had already used my quota. ( I used a family member's email to create a a new account becasue I didnt have time for it to reset ). My goal was to have a greater quality and quantity of data which would allow for a better fit of the model (R squared value ) and at the same time not overfit. Since the data from both yelp and foruswuare was insufficient, I could not achieve this goal , but nevertheless I gained more intuition for APIs , JSON files and coding with Python - which was really the purpose of this project.
- Api requests: chose a city for citybikes - picked Toronto where I live because knowing the context of the data helps ;)
2)parsing /extracting - used 'pprint' to format the json files , and JSON beautifier so I can understand the data to extract only the necessary information from it. In hinsight , I would extract more details to put into my dataframes but at that point I was nervous about my API limit and was not sure if looping through the response counts as an API call so I went with the bare minimum.
3)loading as csvs and merging - I created a dataframe for my foursquare , citybikes and yelp extracted data which I then saved as a csv . I then merged those dataframes using the common 'station_id' column they all had. the reason I saved these as a csv was becasue I was not sure if manipultating the dataframes / extracting info from them would count as an API call so just to be safe I saved them as CSVs and then uploaded them again and used that. 4)EDA - used many visualizations using matplotlib and seaborn to conduct univariate ( for individual variables) and bivariate analysis ( exploring relationships between variables) . None of the visualizations wer compelling enough to assume a relationship exists - which was true , the relationship was very weak. For the cleaning part - I didnt do much since my dataset was so small I kept everything as is . although I did notice duplicate Restaurant names for different stations , I did not remove them becasue my data set was too samll and it made contextual sense - the bikestations in Toronto are very densly placed so it would make sense for them to share a restaurant in their vicinity ( especially since I only got one name for each bikestaion - another learning curve) . This was validated by information I pulled from the city of Toronto (see slides for image). Regarding assessing data source reliability - I knew Yelp and Foursquare to be reliable data repositories so I did not spend any time on this aspect of quality assurance.
4)upload to sqlite - this part was fairly simple . all I did was upload the data to sqlite using the prooper code and setting a connection object and then ran a query to see if it worked. I had already merged my data as dataframes so I did not need to perform a SQL join
5)find problem and and hypothesis that will give insight to problem ie.problem = want to increase bike usage in Toronto . therefore the hypothesis I chose determined if there is a relatshionship b/w independant variables(ratings, distance, reviewcount , type of restaurant) and available bikes ( want to find what lowers avialability = more users) . I did not have enough independent variables to conduct a meaningful regression analysis , so I converted the restaurants to boolean 0 or 1 values ie.is_bar (if it is then 1 if not then 0) to see if the type of venue had anything to do with available bikes. onve I added those, one by one ie. forward stepwise regression the R Squared value rose slightly ( but still not enough) 7)interpret regression results. All P-values were above the defined significance level of %5 excpet for is_Mexican ( meaning that there is avery low chance that a restaurant which is Mexican would have a relationship with avialble bikes if we assume the null hypothesis is true). THe R- Squared and Adjusted R Squared were both too low - meaning that the independent variables explain only ~ %4.4 of variance in available bikes .
8)idea for classification model: using the same indepndent variables and dependant variable y ie. avialable bikes , the classification model would determine if the x variables can accurately predict if the amount of available bikes will be null or not ( binary)
quality and quantity were not sufficient to train a robust regression model . APi request limits diminshed the completeness of the datasets. I learnt a lot from this hands-on experience of working with APIs , JSON files , dataframes , SQL in Python , data visualiztions with matplotlib and seaborn and performing regression tests. Although it was challenging , after my presentation I felt accomplished which made the hard work worthwhile .
the API limit and not knowing if parsing through the response counts as a requests! shortage of time - if I had more time the API limit would not be a problem ( it resets every day ) and I would contact more regression tests to find out the most information possible about my data
Parse through the data and extract greater detail in order to perform deeper more robust analysis – get more than one restaurant per station so regression model can be well trained
diagnostic tests to test for linearity , normality of each feature and residuals before performing regression test. After I would test for homoscedasticity to see if variance of residuals is constant
Request APIs /get data for other characteristics around each bike station like demographics (ie,avg. age , income, occupation in order to discover dif. relationships these factors could have would also perform Shapiro WIlks test to test for normality of different features .