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Running Shark with Tachyon

Haoyuan Li edited this page Jul 29, 2013 · 17 revisions

Shark 0.7 adds a new storage format to support efficiently reading data from Tachyon, which enables data sharing and isolation across instances of Shark. Our meetup slide gives a good overview of the benefits of using Tachyon to cache Shark's tables. In summary, the followings are four major ones:

  • In-memory data sharing across multiple Shark instances (i.e. stronger isolation)
  • Instant recovery of in-memory tables
  • Reduce heap size => faster GC in shark
  • If the table is larger than the memory size, only the hot columns will be cached in memory


In order to use Spark on Tachyon, you need to setup Tachyon 0.2.1 first, either Local Mode, or Cluster Mode, with HDFS.

Then, edit and add

export TACHYON_MASTER="TachyonMasterHost:TachyonMasterIp"
export TACHYON_WAREHOUSE_PATH=/sharktables

Cache Shark table in Tachyon

Specify TBLPROPERTIES(“shark.cache” = “tachyon”), for example:
CREATE TABLE data TBLPROPERTIES(“shark.cache” = “tachyon”) AS SELECT a, b, c from data_on_disk WHERE month=“May”;
Specify table's name ending with _tachyon, for example:
CREATE TABLE orders_tachyon AS SELECT * FROM orders;

After creating the table in Tachyon, you can query it like query normal tables.