A small application project where the user can differentiate between different tickets (or other files). An application can be part of something bigger such as storage for storing documents.
- Android
- Bloc state manager;
- Isar database with generators;
- get_it - service locator to dependencies management;
- go_router - navigation;
- flutter_download_manager - to manage download and show progress;
- slang - to localize app;
- and others dependencies...
- App icon;
- Settings (with bloc and Shared Preferences);
- Localization (with slang and bloc).
- Add PDF file url;
- Download PDF file;
- ListView with infinite scroll;
- Every list item has its state where a state of downloading is controlled;
- Bloc controlls global state where it contains handled data was got from local database;
- User can see a ticket's PDF file if it has been downloaded;
- Delete list item by swipe;
- Delete selected group items.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/W6iTeJqUiBc
Made by @yokawaiik