New HomeSetup revision
Changelog v1.7.16:
7b9e34e 2024-10-21 New integrations section
4a25b29 2024-10-18 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.15' >> 1 commits
ff4c09c 2024-10-18 Updater adjustments
85c3b25 2024-10-18 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.14' >> 1 commits
410afb2 2024-10-18 New aliases for nvim and sdiff
80e63b7 2024-10-17 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.13' >> 1 commits
40136ae 2024-10-17 Neovim integration
19f8684 2024-10-17 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.12' >> 1 commits
73e5a50 2024-10-17 Fix the hhs firebase not finding any dotfile
3039a73 2024-10-16 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.11' >> 1 commits
b47bf17 2024-10-16 Fix AI install
12bdf5c 2024-10-08 Add hhs shorts
edd1a39 2024-10-08 Improve and update more docs
ede0c49 2024-10-08 Add AI gif
8db3b32 2024-10-08 Add try first gif
0f9bdd6 2024-10-07 Fix MAINTAINER and removed alpine from github actions
9b749f6 2024-10-06 Removing GPTs movig to private project
8402270 2024-10-04 Improve docker build and push
e09348d 2024-10-04 Update GPT
3d70a29 2024-10-03 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.10' >> No commits
60ee0ef 2024-10-03 Add HomeSetup asciicast intro
273f26d 2024-10-03 Fix LC_ALL problem detecting locale and language
16a11af 2024-10-03 Update the GHA build to include API keys
b6c76c2 2024-10-02 Fix the installation script askai module
ce5df83 2024-10-02 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.9' >> 1 commits
b065134 2024-10-02 Fix AI aliases
eaa6c88 2024-10-02 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.8' >> 1 commits
6bfa33a 2024-10-02 Adjust the install script to copy rag docs only if AI is enabled
9726848 2024-10-01 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.7' >> 1 commits
b575387 2024-10-01 final AskAI integration
9a7fb09 2024-09-17 Call to Medieval game GPT
e11f382 2024-09-16 New Gherkin GPT logo
db97edf 2024-09-15 Add the gherkin GPT
8a7b8ae 2024-09-09 Add CURPWD for the last changed firectory
ca62311 2024-08-26 Improving tests
9dbfdcf 2024-08-26 Adding the GPT scripts
cd08f0e 2024-08-23 Improving homesetup prompts
91ad996 2024-08-22 Fixing hhs askai
0941629 2024-08-22 Improve docker builds. Preparation for arch builds
2edc738 2024-08-22 Improve HomeSetup prompt
45abf5c 2024-08-22 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.6' >> No commits
1d9b414 2024-08-21 Improve GitHub actions
b6ed500 2024-08-21 Improve gradle by adding gw install and fixing check
9882356 2024-08-21 Conditional hhs askai plugin
92b3532 2024-08-21 Improve AI installation
017a8d5 2024-08-21 Fix hhs askai
a661561 2024-08-20 Prompt adjustments
9e3fb70 2024-08-20 Improve bats tests
6c2b5f4 2024-08-20 Improve install script for AskAI
e90ab03 2024-08-20 Fix build by adding the missing required packages
93ea25c 2024-08-20 Add homeSetup GPT prompt
7244d6a 2024-08-20 Improve HomeSetup prompt
4dbc565 2024-08-19 Integrate with AskAI - scratch
c7e7423 2024-08-19 Add gtrash completions
d4eadf7 2024-08-19 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.5' >> 1 commits
6b46e9d 2024-08-19 Bugfixes and gtrash integration
c9901ec 2024-08-12 Fix brew installation: missing sudo
6fa01d3 2024-07-24 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.4' >> No commits
c3e3aef 2024-07-10 Fix colima hspm recipe
82d36c1 2024-05-20 Readme cover image
e44a220 2024-04-26 Add HomeSetup github profile image
1fd40f6 2024-02-15 New HomeSetup revision: v'1.7.3' >> No commits