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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
133 A - Yet Another Two Integers Problem GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Mar/12/2022 22:43
132 C - Madoka and Childish Pranks GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy Mar/11/2022 18:07
131 A - Madoka and Math Dad GNU C++17 implementation math Mar/11/2022 16:58
130 A - Playoff GNU C++17 implementation Mar/10/2022 16:50
129 A - Deletions of Two Adjacent Letters GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Mar/08/2022 16:39
128 B - Quality vs Quantity GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy sortings two pointers *800 Mar/04/2022 23:23
127 A - Square Counting GNU C++17 math *800 Mar/04/2022 18:15
126 A - Boring Apartments GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Feb/18/2022 01:35
125 A - Plus One on the Subset GNU C++17 math *800 Feb/10/2022 02:22
124 B - Unlucky Ticket GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1100 Feb/05/2022 14:07
123 A - Div. 7 GNU C++17 brute force *800 Feb/03/2022 16:41
122 B - Minority GNU C++17 greedy *800 Feb/03/2022 15:44
121 A - Amusing Joke GNU C++17 implementation sortings strings *800 Jan/27/2022 15:56
120 A - Tram GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jan/27/2022 15:47
119 A - Ultra-Fast Mathematician GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jan/03/2022 23:29
118 A - Insomnia cure GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation math *800 Jan/03/2022 23:27
117 A - Lucky Sum GNU C++17 implementation *1100 Dec/17/2021 01:54
116 A - Game 23 GNU C++17 implementation math *1000 Dec/16/2021 23:33
115 B - Permutations GNU C++17 brute force combinatorics implementation *1400 Dec/14/2021 19:54
114 B - Johnny and His Hobbies GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force *1200 Dec/14/2021 16:29
113 A - Cut Ribbon GNU C++17 brute force dp *1300 Dec/14/2021 15:56
112 A - The Monster GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1200 Dec/14/2021 14:19
111 A - Life of a Flower GNU C++17 implementation *800 Dec/12/2021 17:19
110 A - Gregor and Cryptography GNU C++17 math number theory *800 Dec/12/2021 12:03
109 A - Required Remainder GNU C++17 math *800 Dec/12/2021 11:59
108 C - The Delivery Dilemma GNU C++17 binary search greedy sortings *1400 Nov/18/2021 20:15
107 A - Candies GNU C++17 brute force math *900 Nov/18/2021 18:38
106 B - Assigning to Classes GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1000 Nov/18/2021 15:54
105 C - Save More Mice GNU C++17 binary search greedy greedy *1000 Nov/18/2021 15:10
104 D - Queue GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1300 Nov/17/2021 22:12
103 A - Era GNU C++17 greedy *800 Nov/17/2021 17:07
102 A - Dense Array GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Nov/17/2021 15:56
101 E - Boxers GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1500 Nov/15/2021 23:14
100 B - Balanced Array GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *800 Nov/15/2021 22:34
99 A - Ezzat and Two Subsequences GNU C++17 brute force math sortings *800 Nov/13/2021 21:08
98 A - Subsequence Permutation GNU C++17 sortings strings *800 Nov/13/2021 20:56
97 B - BerSU Ball GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp graph matchings greedy sortings two pointers *1200 Nov/11/2021 22:27
96 B - Bad Boy GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *900 Nov/08/2021 11:45
95 A - Arithmetic Array GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Nov/08/2021 10:26
94 A - Worms Evolution GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Nov/04/2021 18:21
93 C - Less or Equal GNU C++17 sortings *1200 Nov/04/2021 15:17
92 C - Minimum Extraction GNU C++17 brute force sortings *1000 Nov/02/2021 17:41
91 A - Linear Keyboard GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Nov/02/2021 16:43
90 B - Two-gram GNU C++17 implementation strings *900 Nov/02/2021 15:50
89 B - Order Book GNU C++17 data structures greedy implementation sortings *1300 Oct/28/2021 21:20
88 A - Spy Detected! GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 Oct/14/2021 22:17
87 A - Divisibility Problem GNU C++17 math *800 Oct/12/2021 22:29
86 A - Hulk GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/11/2021 21:09
85 B - Drinks GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Oct/11/2021 20:52
84 A - George and Accommodation GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/11/2021 20:49
83 A - In Search of an Easy Problem GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/11/2021 20:46
82 A - Beautiful Year GNU C++17 brute force *800 Oct/11/2021 20:42
81 A - Nearly Lucky Number GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/11/2021 20:36
80 A - Translation GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Oct/11/2021 20:31
79 A - Wrong Subtraction GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/10/2021 15:04
78 A - Elephant GNU C++17 math *800 Oct/10/2021 15:02
77 A - Soldier and Bananas GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *800 Oct/10/2021 14:58
76 A - Word Capitalization GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Oct/09/2021 22:45
75 A - Bit++ GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/09/2021 22:36
74 A - Domino piling GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Oct/09/2021 22:30
73 A - Next Round GNU C++17 *special problem implementation *800 Oct/09/2021 22:09
72 A - Watermelon GNU C++17 brute force math *800 Oct/09/2021 16:56
71 A - Voltage Keepsake GNU C++17 binary search math *1800 Oct/09/2021 01:07
70 B - Queries about less or equal elements GNU C++17 binary search data structures sortings two pointers *1300 Oct/08/2021 15:10
69 B - The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed GNU C++17 binary search ternary search *1600 Oct/07/2021 17:23
68 B - More Cowbell GNU C++17 binary search greedy *1400 Oct/06/2021 23:22
67 C - K-Dominant Character GNU C++17 binary search implementation two pointers *1400 Oct/02/2021 22:43
66 C - They Are Everywhere GNU C++17 binary search strings two pointers *1500 Oct/02/2021 17:20
65 C - Cellular Network GNU C++17 binary search implementation two pointers *1500 Oct/01/2021 16:57
64 B - Kefa and Company GNU C++17 binary search sortings two pointers *1500 Oct/01/2021 15:08
63 A - Casimir's String Solitaire GNU C++17 math strings *800 Sep/28/2021 16:46
62 B - Prime Matrix GNU C++17 binary search brute force math number theory *1300 Sep/22/2021 14:46
61 B - Books GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1400 Sep/22/2021 01:03
60 A - Countdown GNU C++17 greedy *800 Sep/18/2021 16:56
59 A - Rank List GNU C++17 binary search implementation sortings *1100 Sep/16/2021 15:23
58 A - Sushi for Two GNU C++17 binary search greedy implementation *900 Sep/16/2021 14:30
57 B - Different Divisors GNU C++17 binary search constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1000 Sep/16/2021 01:59
56 A - K-divisible Sum GNU C++17 binary search constructive algorithms greedy math *1000 Sep/14/2021 17:49
55 A - LLPS GNU C++17 binary search bitmasks brute force greedy implementation strings *800 Sep/14/2021 16:27
54 A - New Year and Hurry GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation math *800 Sep/14/2021 15:48
53 B - Interesting drink GNU C++17 binary search dp implementation *1100 Sep/14/2021 14:30
52 A - Dress'em in Vests! GNU C++17 binary search brute force greedy two pointers *1300 Sep/14/2021 01:44
51 A - Let's Watch Football GNU C++17 binary search brute force math *1000 Sep/13/2021 19:15
50 A - Balanced Substring GNU C++17 implementation *800 Sep/08/2021 18:30
49 B - Burning Midnight Oil GNU C++17 binary search implementation *1500 Sep/07/2021 19:31
48 A - Domino Disaster GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Sep/05/2021 17:13
47 B - Fence GNU C++17 brute force dp *1100 Sep/05/2021 16:17
46 B - Kuriyama Mirai's Stones GNU C++17 dp implementation sortings *1200 Sep/05/2021 15:08
45 A - Snacktower GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1100 Sep/05/2021 01:06
44 B - Coins GNU C++17 greedy *1300 Aug/31/2021 17:14
43 A - Chat room GNU C++17 greedy strings *1000 Aug/31/2021 16:51
42 A - Reconnaissance 2 GNU C++17 implementation *800 Aug/31/2021 16:34
41 A - Lucky Ticket GNU C++17 implementation *800 Aug/31/2021 16:13
40 A - System of Equations GNU C++17 brute force *800 Aug/30/2021 19:22
39 A - IQ test GNU C++17 brute force *1300 Aug/30/2021 19:08
38 A - Vasya and Socks GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *900 Aug/29/2021 20:26
37 A - Candy Bags GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Aug/29/2021 20:17
36 B - Mahmoud and a Triangle GNU C++17 constructive algorithms geometry greedy math number theory sortings *1000 Aug/28/2021 17:33
35 B - Sort the Array GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1300 Aug/28/2021 16:26
34 A - Lucky Division GNU C++17 brute force number theory *1000 Aug/27/2021 22:56
33 A - Parallelepiped GNU C++17 brute force geometry math *1100 Aug/27/2021 20:00
32 A - Appleman and Easy Task GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1000 Aug/27/2021 18:52
31 A - The Miracle and the Sleeper GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Aug/26/2021 16:59
30 B - President's Office GNU C++17 implementation *1100 Aug/26/2021 16:02
29 B - Lovely Palindromes GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1000 Aug/26/2021 14:10
28 B - Sum of Digits GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Aug/25/2021 15:09
27 B - Caisa and Pylons GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *1100 Aug/25/2021 14:20
26 B - Coins GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Aug/22/2021 16:54
25 B - Easter Eggs GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1200 Aug/22/2021 15:41
24 B - Burglar and Matches GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *900 Aug/21/2021 18:56
23 B - Bear and Finding Criminals GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1000 Aug/21/2021 01:06
22 B - Petya and Countryside GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1100 Aug/21/2021 00:15
21 C - Infinity Table GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Aug/18/2021 19:07
20 A - Dislike of Threes GNU C++17 implementation *800 Aug/18/2021 17:03
19 A - Panoramix's Prediction GNU C++17 brute force *800 Aug/14/2021 17:38
18 A - Counterexample GNU C++17 brute force implementation math number theory *1100 Aug/14/2021 15:52
17 A - Anton and Polyhedrons GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Aug/14/2021 15:14
16 A - Calculating Function GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Aug/14/2021 15:06
15 A - Theatre Square GNU C++17 math *1000 Aug/14/2021 14:02
14 A - Arpa’s hard exam and Mehrdad’s naive cheat GNU C++17 implementation math number theory *1000 Aug/14/2021 13:36
13 A - Brain's Photos GNU C++17 implementation *800 Aug/04/2021 15:48
12 A - Dubstep GNU C++17 strings *900 Aug/03/2021 23:57
11 A - Valera and X GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Aug/03/2021 23:10
10 A - Is it rated? GNU C++17 implementation sortings *900 Aug/03/2021 00:23
9 A - Football GNU C++17 strings *1000 Aug/02/2021 19:54
8 A - Olesya and Rodion GNU C++17 math *1000 Aug/02/2021 17:25
7 A - I Wanna Be the Guy GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Aug/02/2021 17:08
6 A - Twins GNU C++17 greedy sortings *900 Aug/02/2021 01:35
5 A - Even Odds GNU C++17 math *900 Jul/30/2021 01:11
4 A - Keyboard GNU C++17 implementation *900 Jul/29/2021 23:49
3 A - Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequence GNU C++17 constructive algorithms strings *1000 Jul/29/2021 15:00
2 A - Oath of the Night's Watch GNU C++11 constructive algorithms sortings *900 Jul/29/2021 12:21
1 A - Lineland Mail GNU C++17 greedy implementation *900 Jul/29/2021 11:57