tkinter widgte to add a sidebare to your apps.
pip install tksidebar
is simple
import tkinter as tk
from tksidebar import Sidebook
window = tk.Tk()
sidebook = Sidebook(window) # you can add some options
frame_1 = tk.Frame(bg='#A75D5D', height=500, width=400)
frame_2 = tk.Frame(bg='#0081B4', height=500, width=400)
frame_3 = tk.Frame(bg='#C780FA', height=500, width=400)
frame_4 = tk.Frame(bg='#FF7B54', height=500, width=400)
frame_5 = tk.Frame(bg='#495579', height=500, width=400)
tabs = [
('split', frame_1, r'img\icons8-cut-24.png', False),
('crop margins', frame_2,r'img\icons8-crop-24.png', False),
('rotate pages', frame_3,r'img\icons8-rotate-24.png', False),
('to images', frame_4,r'img\icons8-picture-24.png', False),
('about', frame_5, r'img\icons8-settings-24.png', True), # this on bottom
for name, frame, icon, bottom in tabs:
sidebook.add(frame, text=name, icon=icon, at_bottom=bottom) # add here any options for pack (fill, expand, padx...)
sidebook.pack(anchor='nw', fill='both', expand=True) # important !!! fill='both', expand=True
you can change sidebare colors:
my_colors = {"accent": 'default', "bg":'#EFF4F8',"hover":'#E8EBF0',"press":'#D6D9DE'}
sidebook = Sidebook(window,colors=my_colors)
you can also specific sidebar width
sidebook = Sidebook(window,sidebar_width=260)
you can also add header to sidebar.
sidebook.add_header(widget, padx=10)
you can also add sidebar without icons.
sidebook.add(Frame, text="home", icon="")