sword-x-offer not only contains 66 common && classic interview programming problems but also others like common data structure summary based in language CPP etc. Particularly, each problem has multiple solutions.
- Problem Set
1.1 Ordered List
1.2 Topic List
1.2.1 binary-search
1.2.2 linked-list
1.2.3 binary-tree
1.2.4 dynamic programming - Data Structure(TODO)
2.1 binary-search
2.2 linked-list
2.3 string
2.4 tree
2.5 sort
2.6 graph - Language CPP(TODO)
3.1 Style: Google C++ Style Guide
3.2 Common C/C++ questions
3.3 gcc five minute
3.4 basic cpp language
3.5 system design
3.6 Deep Learning questions - Project Based Learning
- License
- Acknowledge
- 03-print-linked-list-from-tail
- 14-countdown-k-node-in-linked-list
- 15-reverse-linked-list
- 16-merge-two-sorted-linked-list
- 25-replication-of-complex-linked-list
- 26-convert-binary-search-tree-to-bi-directional-linked-list
- 36-find-first-common-node-in-two-linked-lists
- 55-entry-of-loop-linked-list
- 56-delete-duplication-in-linked-list
- 04-reconstruct-binary-tree
- 17-judge-the-substructure-of-a-binary-tree
- 18-mirror-of-binary-tree
- 22-print-binary-tree-from-top-to-bottom
- 23-postorder-traversal-of-binary-search-tree
- 24-target-length-path-of-binary-tree
- 26-convert-binary-search-tree-to-bi-directional-linked-list
- 38-depth-of-binary-tree
- 39-judge-balanced-binary-tree
- 57-next-node-of-binary-tree
- 58-is-symmetrical-binary-tree
- 59-print-binary-tree-layer-by-layer
- 60-print-binary-tree-layer-by-layer-II
- 61-serialize-binary-tree
- 62-kth-node-of-binary-search-tree
- 63-get-median-of-num-stream
- 07-fibonacci-sequence
- 30-the-largest-sum-of-consecutive-subarrays
- 51-construct-multiply-triangle
- 52-regular-expression-match
- Style: Google C++ Style Guide
- Common C/C++ questions-I
- Common C/C++ questions-II
- lexdene/gcc_five_minute: gcc五分钟系列
- basic cpp language: lang-cpp
- soulmachine/system-design: 系统设计面试题精选
- donnemartin/system-design-primer
Apache License 2.0.
Solutions in sword-x-offer are mainly from the forum of nowcoder and book 《剑指offer》. Particularly, I learned a lot from the forum of nowcoder.
Project-based-learning is from this repo., which is under MIT License.
while true;
if diff std.out test.out;then
echo AC
echo WA
exit 0