Due to slow turn around by Bioconductor, it has been decided that GRETTA will not be uploaded to their repository.
Introducing new functions!
- protien_coexpress() to perform co-expression analysis for protein data.
- common_coefs_prot() to map the Pearson's coefficient between input proteins.
- common_coefs_rna() to map the Pearson's coefficient between input RNA.
- common_coefs_coess() to map the Pearson's coefficient between input co/anti-essential genes.
Previous updates
GRETTA 0.99.5
- anntate_coess() was renamed to anntate_df()
- coessential_map(), get_inflection_point(), and anntate_coess() can now handle multiple input genes.
- Introducing new functions!:
- common_coefs() to map the Pearson's coefficient between all input genes.
- rna_coexpress() to perform co-expression analysis for mRNA.
GRETTA 0.99.4
Fixing path for figures in README to pass bioconductor warnings
GRETTA 0.99.3
Untracked files unrelated to R package devel that caused errors in bioconductor checks.
GRETTA 0.99.2
Removed all instances of lab path to pass bioconductor pre-check.
GRETTA 0.99.1
Added smaller example data to pass bioconductor pre-check.
Example data is now loaded using download_example_data()