A 3D game scenerio developed by JmonkeyEngine. The 3D animation imported in this simple game is produced by Blender.
- Use Blender to make 3D fish animation, including swimming forward, stationary idle animation and 180 degree turn animation.
- Import Blender model to Jmonkey IDE. Use animation engine and keyboard to control 3D model. The key ’t’ trigger a one time 360 degree bending turn. The key ’s’ is for swimming but it should trigger a continously playing the swim which should only stop if the key is pressed again. Finally, the key ’i’ behave like ’s’ key but make the fish idle stationary
- Create 3D scenerio model
- Add physical attibutes to objects, such as gravity, collisions and force
- Add Nifty GUI to contol different scenerio