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configuration of Unix-like working environment

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  • ← → ↑ ↓
  • b/B: go to the start of the previous word/Word
  • w/W: go to the start of the following word/Word
  • 0/g0: go to the first column of the line/current window
  • $/g$: go to the end of the line/current window
  • ^ : go to the first non-blank char of line
  • gg/G: jump to the begin/end of the file
  • <Number>G/<Number>gg : jump to nth line
  • h/j/k/l: ←/↓/↑/→
  • e/E: go to the end of this word/Word
  • gE : go to the end of the previous word
  • % : go to the corresponding (, {, [
  • */#: go to next/previous occurrence of the word under cursor
  • f<letter> : find(go to next occurrence of the) letter
  • t<letter> : find till(go to just before the occurrence of the) letter
  • F<letter> : go to previous occurrence of the letter
  • T<letter> : go to just before the occurrence of the letter before
  • ; : repeat the last f/t/F/T motion forward
  • , : repeat the last f/t/F/T motion backward
  • H : jump to High position(place the cursor on the top of screen)
  • M : jump to Middle position(place the cursor at the middle of screen)
  • L : jump to Low position(place the cursor at the bottom of screen)
  • '' : jump back(to the cursor position before jumping)
  • combine <num><motion>: Repeat motion num of times.
  • '<mark>: jump to mark(See below)
  • g_ : go to the last non-blank char of line


normal mode options

  • i: insert mode under cursor
  • <ECS>/Ctrl+[: back to normal mode
  • *yy/Y: yank(copy) a line with/without last \r
  • *dd/D: delete(cut) a line with/without last \r
  • *cc/C: change(cut and enter insert mode) a line
  • p/P: paste yanked or cut things under/before cursor
  • x/X: cut the char under/after cursor
  • s/S: cut the char under/after cursor and enter insert mode
  • r : replace the char under cursor
  • R : enter replace mode
  • a : append(insert) after cursor
  • I/A: insert/append(**insert before/after) the line
  • o/O : open a new line below/above and enter insert mode
  • *<< : add a indent to current line
  • *>> : remove a indent from current line
  • v: enter visual(select) mode to select part of code, then use y to yank(copy) the selected code
  • J : join lines together
  • *gUU: make the line uppercase
  • *guu: make the line lowercase
  • Dark Magic:
    • combine <num><change>: Repeat change num of times.
    • combine <change><adjective><position>: For reduplicated change marked with *(i.g. y, >, gU, etc.), apply change from cursor to position.
      • <adjective>(optional): i: in, a: all, <num>: repeat
      • <position>: motion or <num><motion> or {, [, (, ), ], }
    • examples:
      • y$ : yank from the cursor to the end of line
      • diw: delete in word(the word touched by cursor)
      • ca): change(delete and enter insert mode) things within ( and )(included)
      • 2d3w: delete 3 word twice


press <enter> after typing

  • :w: write(save) the file
  • :q: quit
  • :x: save and quit(=:wq)
  • :w <fileName>: write(save) the file to fileName
  • ZZ : save and quit
  • ZQ : quit without saving
  • . : repeat the last modification to the file
  • /<pattern> : search pattern
  • // : repeat last /<pattern>
  • :Ctrl+n/:Ctrl+p: to select next/previous command
  • /Ctrl+n//Ctrl+p: to select next/previous search
  • :%s/<pattern A>/<pattern B>/g : substitude all the pattern A in file by pattern B
  • :!<command> : execute command in shell
  • :!! : repeat last !<command>
  • /<pattern>/<offset> : search pattern and place cursor on offset
  • :&<flag> : repeat last s/<pattern A>/<pattern B>/ with flag
  • :~<flag> : use last /<pattern> as pattern A and last :s pattern B with flag
  • :g/<pattern>/<command>/ : execute command at lines that match pattern
  • :sh : go to shell. come back by $exit
  • notes:
    • <offset>:
      • +-n: move n lines
      • b+-n: n char from begin of word
      • e+-n: n char from end of word
    • <flag>:
      • g : apply to all matches
      • & : use previous flag
      • c : comfirm needed
      • i : ignore case
      • I : don't ignore case
    • replace string(<pattern B>):
      • & : <pattern A>
      • ~ : previos <pattern B>
      • \<num> : pattern within ()
  • :saveas <path/to/file> : save to <path/to/file>
  • <start position><command><end position>


insert mode options

  • Ctrl+n/Ctrl+p : select next/previous option in autocomplete or trigger default autocomplete behavior
  • Ctrl+x Ctrl+f : autocomplete for file path
  • Ctrl+x Ctrl+] : autocomplete for tags(REQUIRE A TAG FILE)
  • Ctrl+x Ctrl+i : autocomplete from this and included files
  • Ctrl+t : add a indent to current line
  • Ctrl+d : remove a indent of current line
  • Ctrl+w : delete word before cursor
  • Ctrl+u : delete line before cursor
  • Ctrl+g j : equivalent to <ESC>ji
  • Ctrl+g k : equivalent to <ESC>ki
  • Ctrl+o <command(**normal mode**)>: equivalent to <ESC><command>i
  • Ctrl-r <register>: insert from <register>
  • Ctrl-a: insert last text(equivalent to ^r.)
  • Ctrl-@: insert last text and leave insert mode(equivalent to ^a<esc>)


Advanced or above

  • zz/z.: scroll the screen so that the cursor is in the middle of the screen
  • Ctrl+d : scroll half the screen down
  • Ctrl+u : scroll half the screen up
  • zt/zb: scroll the screen so that the cursor is in the top/bottom of the screen
  • '" : jump to the cursor position last exiting
  • m<letter>: mark the line with letter
  • Ctrl+o: undo jumppings
  • Ctrl+i: redo jumppings
  • Ctrl+]: jump to definition(REQUIRE A TAG FILE)
  • Ctrl+t: reverse previous jump-to-definition behavior(REQUIRE A TAG FILE)
  • macro
    • qa<commands>q : record actions in the register a
    • @a : replay the saved actions once (same as @@)
    • <number>@@ : replay the saved actions N times
  • @: : replay last command
  • @/ : replay last search
  • default
    • "0: last yank
    • "<1~9>: delete history
    • "%:fileName "/: lastest search, ":: latest command, ".: latest insert
    • "*: system clipboard
  • others:
    • "ayy(yank(copy) the current line and store it to register a)
    • "ap(paste register a)
  • :new/:vnew: new empty window
  • :sp <fileName>/:vsp <fileName>: new window for fileName
  • Ctrl-w w : switch to the other buffer
  • Ctrl-w k : move the current window to top
  • Ctrl-w h : move the current window to left
  • Ctrl-w j : move the current window to bottom
  • Ctrl-w l : move the current window to right
  • Ctrl-w | : maximize window in splitted vertically
  • Ctrl-w _ : maximize window in splitted horizontally
  • Ctrl-w = : distribute space equally for opened windows
  • zf: create a fold
  • zo: fold open
  • zc: fold close
  • zd: fold delete
  • zR: open all
  • zM: close all
Visual block: Edit multiple lines at the same time
  • step1: press Ctrl+v
  • step2: select multiple lines as if in visual mode
  • step3: edit ONLY the first line
  • step4: press <ecs>
  • step5: be amazed



  • launch
    • bash
    • vimdiff [file_left] [file_right]
    • vim -d [file_left] [file_right]
    • vim visual mode
    • :vertical diffsplit [file_left]
    • compare existing windows
    • :windo diffthis
  • cursor
    • ]c : move to the next difference block
    • [c : move to the last difference block
  • merge
    • do : (diff get) get difference from compared file
    • dp : (diff put) put difference to compared file
  • misc.
    • vim visual mode
    • :diffupdate : update difference between files
    • :set diffopt=context:<number> : change the number of lines of context in each difference block
  • ref



  • push
    • git push -u <remote name> <branch name> : upload and track remote branch
  • semantic commits
    • chore : Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
    • docs : Documentation only changes
    • feat : A new feature (CHANGE LOG)
    • fix : A bug fix (CHANGE LOG)
    • refactor : A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
    • style : Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
    • test : Adding missing testing
  • ref


configuration of Unix-like working environment







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